  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of Stormwater Runoff Systems and Management Strategies

指導教授 : 何嘉浚


國內多年來之水污染防治,主要集中於點源污染之立法及相關管制工作,隨著點源污染逐步被控制後,非點源污染對水體的影響逐漸顯現。相關研究顯示,近年來台灣非點源污染為造成河川、水庫承受水體惡化之主要原因之一。台灣對於點源污染管理推行多年且法令制度較為完善;反觀非點源污染管理,管理制度較不健全,且仍有改進之空間。 綜觀國外對於暴雨逕流管理已行之多年,管理制度亦較為完善且多元。本研究以美國、英國、德國、澳洲與日本為探討案例,他山之石可以攻玉,自國外之立法經驗及相關管理制度中得到值得學習的經驗,並對美國、英國、德國、澳洲、日本與我國之管理政策進行比較後,嘗試修訂適合我國的水污染防治之相關規範,並提出相關之暴雨逕流管理建議。


Water Pollution Control has been focusing on point source pollution legislation and related control work for many years in Taiwan. However, the non-point source pollution impact on receiving water started to be noted after the control of the point source pollution gradually. A series of research shows that non-point source pollution is one of the main reasons for causing the deterioration of water quality in rivers and reservoirs. In Taiwan, point source pollution legal system is more complete than non-point source pollution. For this reason, improving the non-point source pollution strategy is a very important issue. Stormwater management has been enforced in many countries for several years; such as US, UK, Germany, Australia, Japan, and so on; their management systems are more complete and diversified than Taiwan. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to refer to the experience of these countries as well as to improve and revise the Taiwan Water Pollution Control Act.


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