  • 學位論文


The Study of Relationships Among the Transformational Leadership of principal, Teacher Self-Efficacy and Innovative Work Behavior in Vocational High Schools in Taipei City

指導教授 : 張仁家


論文名稱:臺北市高職校長轉型領導、教師教學 頁數:282頁 自我效能與創新工作行為關係之研究 校所別:國立臺北科技大學技術及職業教育研究所 畢業時間:100學年度第2學期 學位:碩士 研究生:葉以煥 指導教授:張仁家 關鍵詞:高職、轉型領導、教學自我效能、創新工作行為、調節效果 本研究旨在探討「校長轉型領導」對教師「教學自我效能」與「創新工作行為」之調節(moderating)效果,乃根據研究問題與研究目的,找尋國內外相關主題研究與書籍進行文獻探討並建構校長轉型領導、教師教學自我效能、創新工作行為的關聯以及測量方式,施測部分則以分層隨機隨機抽樣,發放892份問卷並回收590分有效問卷,並獲致以下結論: (一)臺北市高職校長轉型領導情形、高職教師教學自我效能與高職教師創新工作行為總體與其各分層面均現況良好,且達到中高程度。 (二)臺北市高職校長轉型領導僅在學校屬性達顯著差異,而教師教學自我效能則在學校屬性、資訊使用能力達顯著差異,教師創新工作行為則在校長任屆、學校屬性、行政兼職、資訊使用能力達到顯著差異。 (三)分析臺北市高職校長實施轉型領導、教師教學效能、創新工作行為三變項 間兩兩與兩兩分構面之間皆達低度以上非常顯著相關,其中轉型領導與其 他二構面兼均只達低到中低度顯著相關。 (四)以臺北市高職校長實施轉型領導各構面與及教師教學自我效能各構面對創新工作行為與其各構面作逐步多元迴歸分析發現,轉型領導只有部分構面對創新工作行為部分構面有顯著預測力;而教學自我效能各構面均對創新工作行為各構面有顯著預測力。 (五)臺北市高職校長轉型領導總體與各構面中,僅轉型領導-理想化行為、轉型領導-精神鼓舞二構面對教師教學自我效能與教師創新工作行為間有調節效果;高理想化行為者能使高教學自我效能教師更願意創新進步,低教學自我效能教師更退縮;而低理想化行為者則使高教學自我效能教師退縮,低教學自我效能教師願意進步;高精神鼓舞者則能使高低教學自我效能教師均稍微更願意進步,低精神鼓舞者則使高低教學自我效能教師均更不願意進步。 (六)資訊使用能力對於臺北市高職教師的教學自我效能相當重要,甚至關係其教職保障,但卻不足以預測創新工作行為。


Title: The Relationships Among The Transformational Leadership Pages: 282 Leadership, Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Innovative Work Behavior of Principals in Vocational High Schools in Taipei City. School: National Taipei University of Technology Department: Institute of Technological and Vocational Education Time: July, 2012 Degree: Master Researcher: Yi-Huan, Yeh Advisor: Jen-Chia, Chang Keywords: Vocational High Schools; Transformational Leadership; Teacher’s Self Efficacy; Innovative Work Behavior; Moderating Effect The study is to discuss the moderating effect of principals’ transformational leadership toward teachers’ self-efficacy and innovative work behavior, furthermore, find relative issues and books and build up the structure of the three variables and assess the degree of them. The assessment runs in two parts, and samples in stratified and random style at pre-test and formal stage, the formal test were sent to 892 teachers and selected 590 of 603 were valid, the data revealed that: 1.The transformational-leadership, teacher self-efficacy and innovative work behavior in senior-vocational school in Taipei runs well, all meet the high-medium level. 2. The transformational-leadership makes differences in principals’ session, school prototypes, education degree; teacher self-efficacy makes difference in school prototypes and teachers’ technology ability; innovative-work-behavior makes differences in principals’ session, school prototypes, administration positions. 3. There are significant but not strong relationships of transformational leadership, teacher self-efficacy and innovative-work-behavior parts and totality each other. 4.The parts and totality of transformational leadership and teacher self-efficacy can predict innovative-work-behavior ones, but transformational-leadership predicitivity only exist in one or two parts, but all in teacher self-efficacy. 5.The transformational leadership can moderate innovative-work behavior toward teacher self-efficacy only in Inspirational Motivation and Idealized Behavior. 6.Technology ability is important to senior-school teachers of Taipei, even about their career guarantee, but has no predictivity in innovative-work-behavior.




