  • 學位論文


The Study of Establishing Information Management System for Building Traceability And Maintenance

指導教授 : 王隆昌


現今營建產業對於建物生產及製造過程的資料並無統一管理之方式,並且這些資料一般都分散於建設公司、營造廠商與建築管理單位等,而在建築物完工後關於建築過程的相關資訊往往亦因未妥善保存而失散;再者目前消費者於購屋期間多僅能藉由業主所提出之相關售屋網站所呈現的房屋基本資料或書面資料瞭解房屋之狀況,然而基於現今建築完工交屋後的施工過程相關資料一般並未全部呈交給業主(例如:施工圖、施工過程相關紀錄),日後消費者若遇設施之維護、修繕與後續增建、改建與修建之需求時,則常因無相關資料可供依循,而增加其維護人員或施工人員於現場作業之困難性且較無效率。 近年生產履歷概念已廣泛應用於各種產業,其導入生產履歷的最大效益為產品消費者可利用相關的資訊科技技術,例如無線射頻辨識(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)技術,透過產品之身份識別追溯已紀錄之資訊,確認產品生命週期各階段之資料,以確保消費者所選購產品之安全。而房產幾乎為所有買賣金額中最龐大之商品,但消費者多僅能取得房屋的基本資料,其他關於建造過程及使用維護狀況等資訊則較無法掌握,因此當前在消費者對自身權利維護意識高漲下,如何提供完整之建築物履歷資訊為一重要課題。 本研究探討目前國內外建築物生產履歷推動與發展現況,並以建築物生命週期管理之需求為考量,確立建築物生命週期各階段應記錄之資訊項目,並研擬RFID技術於建築物電子血統書之導入方式,期透過無線射頻辨識技術的可追縱特性,使建築物使用者能便於取得建築物相關資料,並規劃建築物電子血統書資訊系統與整體應用情境。


In construction industry, a bulk of the data during the construction is no centralized management and these data are usually distributed individual developments such as the contractor, supplier, and other related units. It is not easier to store and manage some important data, and it is common that the data is lost or destroyed. It is common that the related data such as construction drawings is not delivered to the consumer. However, during the operations of the building, the maintenance works must be done and the maintainers may need the related data to support their works. They may re-inspect the information of the building, and the performance of the maintenance is reduced. If the concept of the curriculum vitae of the building is applied, the information will be integrated about the building life cycle and the information will be able to be used effectively for administrators of the building. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology provides the integration tool of the information. Through utilizing RFID in the curriculum vitae of the building, the manager of the building can track the conditions of the maintenance and to ensure that the maintenance works are implemented accurately, and the information of the building is acquired and updated easily via the unique-identification of RFID for the related operators. For the householders, their life safety will be protected more and they can acquire more information of the building to check the conditions of the building due to the whole information of the building life cycle have been integrated using RFID. Therefore, the primary objective of this study is to study the application of RFID in the curriculum vitae of the building.


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