  • 學位論文


Research of Permeable Pavement by using PCSWMM

指導教授 : 陳水龍


近年來由於人口快速成長,使得都市住宅區需求量提高,導致都市不透水面積逐年增加,嚴重影響地下生物成長與地下水貯存,並造成地表逕流量屢創新高,每當颱風來臨時,往往造成人民生命財產莫大的損失,因此,推動透水性鋪面實刻不容緩。 為瞭解透水鋪面於暴雨時可降低多少地表逕流與下水道負荷量,本研究採用美國環保署(EPA)於1971年所發展暴雨逕流管理模式(Storm Water Management Model ,SWMM) 之UNI ECO-STONE模組型態進行暴雨逕流模擬,以此軟體針對透水鋪面模擬重點如下:(1)降雨產生之地表逕流量,(2)增加之入滲量及地下水貯留量。 本研究分別探討石牌國中與北安路南側人行道透水鋪面之入滲效益,並以SWMM程式軟體模擬分析地表逕流量、滲透性與貯留量之數值資料。再將程式執行成果與現場監測資料作比對,由模擬石牌國中案例得到以下結論:(1)降雨入滲至路基約0.9小時(2)入滲量達到90%,可大量減少暴雨產生之地表逕流量。另由模擬北安路南側人行道案例得到以下結論:(1)面層滲透係數K=2.22×10-4 cm/sec,遇降雨時,雨水來不及入滲,大部份降雨都成為表面逕流量。(2)面層滲透係數K=10-2 cm/sec,且降雨強度達到35mm/hr時,透水面積與不透水面積比例介於50%~100%之間,入滲量達80%以上。由以上得知,積極推廣透水性鋪面,定可於暴雨時,使民眾減少財產損失及增加防災延時。


With the fast growing of population, the need for uptown housing grows rapidly. It leads to the increasing waterproof area of the city, which affect the existence of underground lives and storage of groundwater badly and cause the surface runoff to increase. Every time the typhoon comes, it may bring great loss of life and properties to the public. Therefore, we have no time to delay in the promotion of permeable pavement. To find out how much load can be reduced by permeable pavement for surface runoff and cloacae during storms, this research simulates the storm runoff by a module configuration called UNI ECO-STONE in the Stone Water Management Model (SWMM) developed by EPA in 1971. This software analyzes the permeable pavement with following keys: (1) Surface runoff reduced during the storm; (2) Infiltration and groundwater increased. We review the monitoring data of the precipitation within the test zone for permeable pavement located on the sideway on the east of Shih-pai High School in Taipei during the invading of Typhoon Dujuan, and check the numerical data of surface runoff, penetrability and storage capability by SWMM equations. After a comparison of software-simulated permeable pavement with onsite data, we have the following conclusions: (1) It takes about 0.9 hour for the precipitation to reach the road bed; (2) If 90% of the precipitation infiltrated, surface runoff can be remarkably reduced. Besides, following conclusions are drawn from the simulation of the pavement in the south of Bei-an Road: (1) If the infiltration coefficient of the surface K=2.22×10-4 cm/sec, most of water can not infiltrate the surface when it falls on the ground in the rain, and then turns into surface runoff. (2) If the infiltration coefficient of the surface K=10-2 cm/sec, and the intensity of precipitation reaches 35mm/hr, the ratio of the infiltration area to the non-infiltration area will be between 50%-100%. Total infiltration can be more than 80%.Therefore, if we promote the permeable pavement actively, it can help the public to reduce loss and increase the time for disaster prevention.


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徐硯庭(2014)。低衝擊開發運用在高都市化地區的減洪效益- 以新北市中永和地區為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.00943
