  • 學位論文


Design and Analysis of Mobile Phone Flexible Printed Circuitry Boards

指導教授 : 陳政順


任何3C產品出貨前都會經過嚴格品質驗證,以確保使用時不會有重大瑕疵,也可避免產品因瑕疵而導致回收賠償的重大損失。在行動電話的測試項目中,最耗費時間,也是最常出問題的,應該是折疊式手機中,連接本體及液晶螢幕部份的軟性電路板的壽命測試。現在業界常見的設計驗證流程,是等到整支手機設計完做成實際的樣品,再由專用的壽命測試機做實際測試與修正,整個設計過程,從製作到驗證的流程不但時間冗長,更是浪費RD的時間及製造成本。 有鑑於此,本論文便希望從設計階段去省思,歸納及建立軟性電路板的設計規範,並藉由三種型式的個案研究,使用力學工具來分析,嘗試找出方法以期能縮短開發流程中的試誤(trial and errors)時間,以確保設計產品之性能,及縮短整個開發時程。 本論文研究過程分成三部分:第一步是參考CNS、IPC等標準,及業界所使用的通則,來訂出一些設計上的規範;第二步是根據第一步所訂出來的準則,以三種型式的軟性電路板個案做軟體模擬,主要的分析工具是使用有限元素分析軟體,將相關的材料參數及條件設定好,由軟體算出所受的有效應力、有效塑性應變值;第三步是將實際的軟性電路板成品裝入手機裡面,用業界通用的手機軟性電路板壽命測試機做實驗,來與第二步所計算出來的結果相互驗證。 藉由這樣的設計上的規範的制定,我們可以預先知道如此的設計是否有哪些地方需要改良,以減少嘗試錯誤的時間。


Nowadays, almost all the consumer products need to pass the quality control (QC) processes for clamshell mobile phones, the swing test, or so called flip life test, is one of the most important as well as time-consuming test items, which purpose is to predict the mobile phones can be operating properly before guarantee period invalid. So far, most of the R&D cannot know how much folding times can the FPC pass until the real samples have been fabricated and experiments are made. It really wastes time and money in design phase. For this reason, hereby we are trying to build a design guild-line as well as an analysis system, so that we can reduce the trial and error time. There are three parts of this study, the first step is try to build a guild-line for FPC design, second is to analysis 3 FPCs by way of finite element analysis software, to see the value of Effect-stress and Effect-plastic-strain and to see whether it’s in safe region. After all we double check the result by measuring the strain value by way of strain gauge, as well as making experiment on the clamshell type mobile phone FPC life tester, the most common used in industry, to see how many folding times can a real FPC in cell phone can pass the minimum guarantee. So that we can confirm the result with the general rule we create. By way of establishing FPC design guide-line, we can avoid the failure happen in advance and try to modify our design before real samples and mistakes have been made, to decrease the time and money consuming in design stage.


FPC design guide Life Test


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