  • 學位論文


A Study of The Application of Feng Shui in Illegal Buildings

指導教授 : 林祐正


全國尚未拆除之違章建築數量高達數十萬件,且逐年遞增,如何提高違建拆除績效,是政府單位亟需解決的問題。目前陽宅風水教學或是文獻、書籍、著作與違章建築之間的關係在文獻上很少提到,為提供欲執行違章建築拆除溝通協調的另一條路徑,分析新北市已經完成拆除違章建築與陽宅風水之間的關係,本研究將違建的時間與陽宅風水觀念結合,驗證風水規則及觀念討論違建行為引發出官非、損財等事件。導入之方式為採用文獻回顧及案例分析,以傳統陽宅風水民間常用的「八宅明鏡」、「紫白法」等方法互相應證。 八宅明鏡星煞依所屬五行各有應驗不同的年月干支,分別有「五鬼」應驗在丙丁寅午戌年月,「絕命」應驗在庚辛巳酉丑年月、「禍害」應驗在戊己辰戌丑未年月,「六煞」應驗在壬癸申子辰年月,這些星煞應驗干支準確率高,在不受「天乙貴人」影響的情況之下,是相對容易拆除時機點,應該著手進行違章建築排拆與拆除,除了受到「天乙貴人」的影響,完成拆除的情況相當吻合。紫白飛星碰撞結果有凶應者,在違章建築被拆除的事實均有軌跡可循,根據研究發現利用風水觀念之協助將有助於政府機關在執行拆除規劃之參考。


風水觀念 八宅 紫白 違建


Illegal housing demolition is a very complex thing. Based on the previous experience, there are many problems regarding to the performance of illegal buildings demolition in Taiwan. In order to improve the performance problem of illegal buildings demolition, the study proposes the application of Feng shui in illegal Buildings for the government. The approach of Feng shui in the study include eight mansions spiegel and Zibai. There are two purposes applied Feng shui for the solving illegal buildings demolition problem in the study. The first purpose using Feng shui approach is to find out there is any problem in advance regarding the issue of illegal buildings demolition when illegal buildings demolition exists. Another purpose is to find out the best time to handle the issue of illegal buildings demolition. Based on the study result, the application of Feng shui is helpful for the government in the illegal buildings demolition plan in advanced. Finally, limitations, difficulties, suggestion are summarized for further application.


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