  • 學位論文


Noise from the Balcony of Urban Buildings and Strategies of Improvement: the Example of Balcony Space on the 3rd floor, 95-2, 2nd sec., Ren-ai Road, Taipei

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠 李有豐


近年來人們對於環境品質需求日漸強烈,而良好的陽台空間本是居住者接觸自然環境的媒介,同時提升居住者的生活品質。但因都市快速發展,人口遽增造成交通需求量升高,都市噪音污染情形日趨嚴重,影響路側民眾生活環境品質甚劇,導致都市陽台被迫居於附屬地位,無法發揮原有之美意。 本研究以台北市仁愛路二段三樓陽台空間為研究對象,經由文獻探討並配合基地現況條件分析歸納出十二項歸結,推論出:「與林蔭道互惠的交誼花園」為本論文之設計概念。並應用基地陽台噪音實測、噪音傳播實驗、道路隔音屏理論分析與Cadna-A模擬,綜合評估後選擇欄杆高度120cm與合適之裝修材料,作為情境轉化之空間設計策略,達到減音並活化陽台空間之成效。


In recent years people have higher demand of the quality of living environment, and a proper balcony space is supposed to be the place where inhabitants can get in touch with nature, thus enhancing the quality of their living. But the growth of population that accompanies the fast growth of cities results in the rise of traffic, which in turn brings noise pollution that seriously damages the quality of living for those whose houses sit alongside the road. Urban balconies are therefore categorized as subsidiary decorations and fail to exert their original function. The target of this research is the balcony space on the 3rd floor, 95-2, 2nd sec., Ren-ai Road, Taipei. Via literature discussion and analysis of conditions of the present base, this research concludes 12 attributes and ‘the social intercourse garden reciprocating the treed boulevard’ as its design concept. Its spatial design strategy of situation transformation, which applies techniques including balcony based noise test, noise transmission test, theoretical analysis of road noise barrier and Cadna-A simulation to decide the height of railings, 120cm, and proper decoration materials, reduces the noise and enlivens the space of the balcony.


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