  • 學位論文


Studying User Experience of Smart TV Remote Control

指導教授 : 陳圳卿


隨著數位科技的快速發展與多媒體技術的應用,電視的應用範圍與功能越來越廣泛,訊息的傳輸由以往的單向接收逐漸轉變成雙向交流,透過軟硬體的整合,讓電視具有連網功能及獨立的作業系統,稱之為智慧電視(Smart TV)。然而,從2012年12月市調組織NPD的調查結果顯示,只有不到15%的智慧電視使用者會使用下載應用程式或瀏覽網站等新型態智慧電視的功能,多數消費者反應最常遇到的問題是遙控器操作不便利,缺乏人性化設計。因此,本研究藉由實驗觀察、績效量測以及主觀評量,來探討傳統、空中鼠標與手機觸控遙控器的操作模式,並提出介面使用性上的建議,期使未來的智慧電視操作能更人性化並符合使用者需求。   本研究的主要發現為:不同類型操作模式的遙控器在執行任務上有顯著差異,依據不同特性的任務三種遙控器的操作績效結果不盡相同。傳統遙控器在操作傳統電視功能時績效較好,但在操作新型態功能 (下載應用程式、上網瀏覽與搜尋輸入) 時則以空中鼠標遙控器的績效較傳統與手機觸控好。然而,整體的使用性分數三種類型遙控器相距不大,皆未達到良好使用性的標準。   本研究依結果彙整提出具體智慧電視遙控器設計建議如下:(1)直覺簡單的操作模式。(2)避免使用複合式按鍵。(3)依使用情境與功能用途,群組化排列按鍵。(4)清楚明確的按鍵圖示設計與功能詞彙標示。(5)單手即可操作,降低生理負荷。(6)直視電視即可操作。(7)操作需符合各年齡層的使用。


With the application of rapid development of digital technology and multimedia technology, the applications and functions of traditional TV is increasing. Information communication is transformed from one-way receiving into two-way exchange, through the integration of state-of-the-art hardware and software. This allows TV to be implemented with network capabilities and independent operating system, which is known as “Smart TV”. However, the market research organization NPD surveyed on December of 2012 indicated that only less than 15% of smart TV users could use new TV functions such as downloading applications or browsing websites. Many smart TV consumers indicats that current problem is mainly arising from inconvenient remote control. Therefore, this study aims to use experimental observation, performance and subjective measurements to investigate the usability of traditional remote control, motion sensing (or remote point) control and touch control, and finally to provide suggestions for smart TV remote control and interface design.   The main findings of this study are as blow. Statistically significant differences of the operating modes between three different remote control types are found. For traditional TV features, traditional remote control performs better than the others. For new smart TV features, motion control's performance is better than the others. Overall, the usability of three types of remote controls are not rated only at “OK” level.   The results also provide smart TV remote control design recommendations as follows: (1) Intuitive and simple operations. (2) Avoid using composite keys/buttons. (3) Grouping buttons according to different functions/scenario. (4) Clear and recognizable icon design and words marked. (5) Provide one-hand control mode to reduce physical loadings. (6) No need to look down at the remote control. (7) Universal concerns at all ages.


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