  • 學位論文


The Electric Field Simulation on The Fabrication of Copper Microcolumn Using Localized Electrochemical Deposition

指導教授 : 李春穎




The purpose of this study was to simulate the deposition process of Localized Electrochemical Deposition (LECD) in the fabrication of copper microcolumn using ANSYS. The geometrical configuration of the deposited microcolumn was mainly affected by the applied electric overpotential and the gap between the electrodes during the deposition. An updated finite element model using ANSYS in the simulation of the electric field distribution was employed to find the next configuration of the microcolumn grown on the cathode. The major tasks and findings are summarized as follows:(1)Experimental results showed at overpotential of 3.0V, the microcolumns deposited with the step gap of 60μm, 80μm had better cylindrical appearance. For step gap 20μm, the overpotential must be reduced to 2.8V. (2)The larger the gap distance was the longer the step deposition time became. The ANSYS model predicted the same trend as the experiment. (3)The influence of voltage bias and gap distance on the diameter of the deposited microcolumn was investigated with two different biases-2.8V and 3.0V,and four different gap distances 20, 40, 60, 80μm. (4)A hollow microculumn was simulated as the gap between the electrodes was small. As the gap became bigger, a solid microcolumn with dome-shaped end prevailed. (5) In the simulation process, the local irregularity in electric field distribution, and hence the contour of the cathode, could be corrected by using the curve-fitting techniques. (6) Either mesh with too fine or too coarse division could cause unsatisfactory simulated result. (7)The predicted configuration of the microcolumn the simulation was sensitive to the curve fitting scheme used in the simulation.


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