  • 學位論文


Study on the International Product Carbon Footprint Standards and Case Validation

指導教授 : 胡憲倫 申永順


有鑑於溫室氣體造成全球暖化對環境之破壞之問題日趨嚴重,近十餘年來,各國對此議題之關注亦越來越重視,而為達到溫室氣體管理及減量排放之目的,國際間目前已發展出數種減量機制和輔助之工具,其中產品碳足跡係利用生命週期之方法計算其溫室氣體排放量化數據,藉此幫助各企業可以重新檢視產品於各生命週期階段之減量空間,亦可達到碳揭露及產品間排放量比較之目的,幫助消費者落實綠色消費。 本研究以彙整與研析國際間已公告11種產品類別之產品環境宣告,主要係以統計迴歸分析方法,探究議題包括在產品生命週期五大階段中,產品重量及單位產品重量與碳足跡、硫足跡及能源足跡間之關連性,並研析產品總碳足跡、硫足跡與能源足跡間之相關性,以及探討產品於廢棄階段有無回收所造成之環境足跡減量差異。 分析各類產品環境宣告之統計分析結果可得知,產品重量及產品生命週期總能源消耗量皆與產品溫室氣體排放量有良好的線性相關,且大部分呈現正相關;就各生命週期階段比較而言,電子產品與非電子產品皆在原使用階段之線性廻歸方程式斜率(即單位產品重量造成之碳足跡量)普遍較高,而原物料開採階段和廢棄處理次之,意指改變單位產品重量會使得此兩階段碳排放劇增,此亦代表此三階段為重點減量之處;另發現原物料開採階段,產品重量與碳足跡間之相關性較其他四個階段為高。經由各類產品三種環境足跡間之迴歸分析結果得知,除少數類別之外,皆具有相當高之相關性,可得知產品碳足跡、硫足跡和能源足跡三者間彼此關係非常密切。而在探討產品於廢棄階段回收所造成之環境足跡減量效應方面,不計算回收減量時,產品重量愈大與各環境足跡亦愈大,而計算回收減量時,產品重量愈大與各環境足跡減量效益亦愈大顯示產品於廢棄階段回收對於溫室氣體減量管理而言,有相當可觀之效益,而研究結果發現BC(金屬罐)類別產品具有最高之減碳效益,CF類別(自動販賣機)產品之回收減碳效益較優。在SO2排放造成之環境酸化及能源消耗方面,則發現有部分類別產品在回收處理後,會增加硫足跡及能耗,顯示回收處理採用之方法及產品原物料材質之選用可作更進一步之改進。 經由本研究之資料彙整與分析,可推論所收集各類電子產品之碳足跡、硫足跡及能源足跡範圍及其與產品重量間之關聯性,以及產品三種環境足跡之合理範圍,研究成果可提供產品環保化設計與環境足跡估算之參考。


In recent decades climate change has become one of the biggest long-term challenges of our society. Most organizations are thinking of possible solutions to reduce their GHG emissions as part of their commitment to a sustainable business. To achieve the purpose of the reduction of GHG emissions, the international community has been developed several types of flexible reduction mechanisms and management tools. A product carbon footprint will cover the greenhouse gas emissions at each stage of the product’s life cycle. This may include extraction, production and transportation of raw materials, manufacture, distribution, end–use, and disposal/recycling. GHG emissions quantitative data of product carbon footprint can be calculated based on the life cycle method. It helps enterprises to examine and find out the GHG reduction opportunities during the whole life cycle stages and facilitates the promotion of green purchasing among business and consumers. The purpose of this study is to collect and analyze the information of environmental product declarations (EPDs) of the products that have published by Japanese Environment Management Association (JEMA). By statistical regression analysis methods, the carbon footprint, sulfur footprint, and energy footprint in the five product life cycle stages are explored and discussed on the base of product weight and unit of product weight as well as the correlation among the three footprints. The effect of the GHG reduction of various products at the recovery stage is also examined. The study results revealed that carbon footprint, sulfur footprint, energy footprint and product weight have a good linear and positive correlation among each other. The largest slopes of correlation lines between weight of product and carbon footprint were found to be at the product using stage of both electronic products, and then at extraction and disposal /recycling stages. At the recovery stage, the three footprints of products with recovering measures were larger than without recovering measures for most of the categories of products and the increment was found to be increasing with product weight. It indicates that the effectiveness of GHG reduction can be achieved by recovering actions. The categories BC and CF of products were found to be provided with larger GHG reduction than others. Interestingly, the sulfur footprint of few product categories with recovering measures were less than without recovering measures indicating that possible excess of SO2 emission could occurs at the recovering stage. The findings and results found in this study can be as references for the product designers and police decision makers for the evaluation and assessment the environmental footprint of products.


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