  • 學位論文


3 axle wall pressing Robot in-pipe

指導教授 : 張合
共同指導教授 : 蔡哲雄




管道機器人 壁壓式 自適應


In this study, the operating environment for the robot pipeline proposed pipeline robot has enough support within the environment of space and adaptive pipeline to improve the difficulty of the task execution pipeline inspection, research institutions included the design of the robot control system and mechanical analysis and performance test. This study proposed pipeline inspection robot, flexible organization designed to adapt to changes in diameter and 8 "of vertical pipes, horizontal pipes and elbows performance evaluation and performance testing of a prototype of the truck and the barrier ability, the results showed that the pipeline through vertical pipes, elbows and horizontal pipe, the load force of about 40N, and crossed the 14mm ring obstacles, meet the performance requirements. carrier part of the 3D printer, the main material and the use of ABS material with processing, pipe diameter 200-230mm prototype will be designed as a benchmark to go.


Pipe robot wall pressing self-adaptive


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