  • 學位論文


A Plan design of National Taiwan University of Humanities building

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


臺大人文大樓有其跨時代性,在這新舊交替、時代變遷的重要年代上,臺大擬於洞洞館興建人文大樓,有其特殊地理位置、歷史情感及配合文學院長期發展計畫--建立「臺大人文學園」的目標。 本研究擬就「人文」與「基地」之相關議題進行分析、探討,終而演繹出此人文大樓之設計原則,以符合建構「臺大人文學園」之目標,,並重新建構人與校園、都市環境間的共生關係。並透過誘導式結構之操作推導出三項情境,分別是: 一、人文活動的殿堂 二、生態人文的交織 三、串聯時空的人文帶 做為臺大人文大樓設計轉化的主要情境展現原則,並以此三項情境為軸操作設計實例做為本文之研究成果。


National Taiwan University Humanities Building has its cross-centary character , in this handover process and importantly changing times, the National Taiwan University to build the Humanities Building in hole hole hall's area for its specific geography, history and the goal of long-terms development plan to cooperate with College of Liberal Arts for "National Taiwan University humanities academy " built. This study of " humanities " and "site" of the analysis of related issues to explore, eventually work out the design principle of Humanities building to meet the construction of "National Taiwan University humanities academy," goal, and re-structure the relationship between people, campus urban environment. Through the Heuristic Structure to extend following three conditions: 1. Palace of human activity 2. Ecological humanities interexture 3. The human space-time connection National Taiwan University Humanities Building designed as a conversion of the main situation display principles, and the major operation design of the three scenarios as examples of the results of this study.


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