  • 學位論文


An Analysis for Repeat Route Failures with The Cases in 2004 And 2005 Due to Typhones

指導教授 : 張哲豪


山區道路因養護不易,每當颱風過境便容易造成坍方事件發生,導致山區部落之連外道路中斷,進而影響民生物資運輸。在89至94年歷次風災水災公共工程復建審議作業中,已累積許多災害紀錄資料;特別是在93年之後,紀錄中已包含地理坐標與現場照片,可以表達災害現場狀況。本研究透過93與94年行政院公共工程委員會災害復建審議資料進行分析,主要分析方向擬分為:一、全國性道路災損統計:研究中統計兩年內全國編號道路與市區道路,受到重大風災所產生之災損進行統計分析;二、特定道路破壞災損分析:依照災害發生地點的重複災情,研究中選取出竹60線、縣159甲線、縣169線進行受災分析。擬採用空間格網為分析單位,疊合災害發生地點,可以定義出格網內的災損情況,同時也將區分出格網上災害發生與否的情況,再配合雨量、地質與坡度等相關資訊,發展出可能的災損推估模式。 由結果可知建立格網分析方式為較適當之分析精度,其最佳分析精度為研究道路經環域分析50與格網解析度為1000m*1000m。而分析災害因子,發現坡度在11∼20度與地質組成岩層為「頭嵙山層及其相當地層」,及降雨強度為0∼50時,有7.8%災損數量。而坡度在0.1∼10度與地質組成岩層為「沖積層」,及降雨強度為0∼50時,有6.96%的最大災損金額。另利用打荻氏建立之各研究道路推估模式,得到各研究道路之臨界降雨量為竹60線:250mm、縣159甲線:400mm、縣169線:600mm。


Valuable records are collected during the examination of recovery works from public reconstruction damages due to typhoon or storm events in 2004- 2005. In addition, geographic coordinates and photographs are provided from 2004 with respect to each location of recovery work. This study by the Executive Yuan's Public Construction Commission in 2004 and 2005 disaster rehabilitation data. First, statistics in two years nationally road the damage: statistical studies within two years of the road code and urban roads, major hurricane by the damage arising from the statistical analysis; second, specific road damage of the damage: According to disaster sites to repeat the disaster research at Hsinchu Country Road No.60 and 159A County Line and 169 County Line selected out of the affected lines. Grid space to be used for the analysis unit, superimposed disaster occurred, can be defined Grid net loss of the disaster situation and will also distinguish between Grid online disaster or situation. With the rainfall, geological and slope, and other relevant information, develop a possible model estimate of the damage. By the results indicate that the establishment of grid analysis for the more appropriate analysis of the accuracy of its analysis of the accuracy of the best road for the study by the Central domain analysis grid 50m with a resolution of 1000m*1000m. The disaster factor analysis and found that the slope in the 11∼20 degrees with the geological composition of rock as "Toukoshan Formation and equivalents", and rainfall intensity for the 0∼50mm, a 7.8 percent loss the number of disaster. The gradient of 0.1∼10 degrees with the geological composition of rock as "Alluvium", and rainfall intensity for the 0∼50mm, a 6.96 percent loss the biggest amount of disaster. Another use of playing Di's established pattern of the study estimated that the road has been the study of the critical path for Hsinchu Country Road No.60 rainfall: 250mm, 159A County Line : 400mm, 169 County Line: 600mm.


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