  • 學位論文


The effect of bio-aerosols diffusion by architectural plan types in hospital out-patient department

指導教授 : 黃志弘


台灣醫療照護中藉由院內空氣媒造成的院內感染是長期被忽略的課題。本研究嘗試以某縣立地區醫院門診區為探討標的,藉由病人罹患呼吸道傳染性疾病-流行性感冒病毒而至醫療機構看診時,所排放出的生物氣膠之擴散影響,進行計算不同類型醫院建築平面的流體力學模擬分析。 本文所模擬三種建築平面型態包括(1) case A:原始現有醫院平面(回路式),(2) caseB (集中式)及(3) case C(簇群式),分別模擬其生物氣膠擴散之速度場、空氣齡、濃度場及軌跡時間狀態。結果發現:當病患咳嗽後,對各平面形式門診區均有污染擴散,顯示大型綜合門診醫院對生物氣膠擴散控制相當不利。其中以在污染軌跡以caseB.(集中式)影響範圍最廣(929.8m)污染濃度是三個平面型態中最高(4.62×10-12 kg/m3)。caseC.(簇群式)污染軌跡最短(335.38m),caseA.原始現有平面(回路式) 污染濃度是三個平面型態較低(4.09×10-12 kg/m3)。 此外,為改善院內感染,本研究以case A進行「分區循環空氣簾及高架地板回風」模擬分析後發現:平均風速提高112.04%、空氣齡縮短81.91%、污染濃度減少76.47%、污染時間減少41.92%、污染軌跡擴散距離縮短82.24%,即在風速提昇、空氣齡縮短、污染濃度下降、污染軌跡線距離及時間減短的情況下,污染物較不易聚集,且能減少門診空氣媒傳播。本研究成果顯示此模式可有效的降低院內感染的機率,並期能提供醫院在建築設計上做為參考。


健康建築 氣簾 CFD 醫院建築 生物氣膠


Control of nosocomial infections caused by the air is a serious problem. This research used the fluid dynamics software to analyze the effect of bio-aerosols emitted by the patients who have respiratory tract infections-influenza virus in a hospital outpatient department. The simulation of three kinds of architectural plan types is studied, including: (1) Case A:original plan type (circuited), (2)Case B (centralized); and (3) Case C (clustered). Based on the analyze on the bio-aerosols diffusing condition by wind velocity, air age, concentration contour and time of trajectory respectively, the results show that, all of these three patterns demonstrate highly spread of bio-aerosols. In addition, we simulated Case A concerning the “Air curtain and Ventholes” to improve nosocomial infections, and found that the average wind velocity increases 112.04%, the air age shortens 81.91%, the pollution concentration decreases 76.47%, the pollution time shortens 41.92%, and the diffuse distances of pollution trajectory shorten 82.24%. The diffusion of the bio-aerosols is limited in a single sub-zone of the AC. It results in the decrease of the probability of nosocomial infections effectively, and it can be referenced in hospital architectural design.


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