  • 學位論文


Development of Decision Model for Builders to Select Urban Renewal Projects

指導教授 : 梁曉帆


台北市為我國首善之都,主要的政府行政機關多設立於此,大多數的商業行為及經濟活動多在此發生,各項城市硬體建設及社會福利措施亦最為完備;加諸醫療、教育及工作機會資源充沛等優勢,因此吸引國內多數人口往此處聚居,造成台北市成為全國人口最密集的地區,住居需求亦為全國之冠。 在人口大量遷入、政府刻意發展及建商大舉開發之下,台北市已成為寸土寸金之地,房價高不可攀。有購屋或換屋需求者只能望屋興嘆,而建商亦面臨土地取得困難及成本不斷墊高之窘境。尤其是精華地段土地不但幾乎開發完畢,地價及房價更是屢創天價!因此,只有透過都市更新在,亦即老屋拆除重建的方法,才能以最經濟的方式解決原住居者改善居住環境,並使建商無需負擔龐大土地成本即可推案創造商機,共創雙贏的局面。 在政府大力做多推廣之下,看好這塊商機的都市更新公司紛紛成立,投資老舊公寓等待都更換新屋的自住客或投資客紛紛進場,符合條件的案件甚多均有都市更新公司或建商著墨,但真正達成協議進行拆屋改建的案件卻屈指可數。因為要成功完成一件都市更新案件,有幾件要素缺一不可:政府政策支持、 建商或都市更新公司介入(即所謂實施者,亦可為原住戶本身發起籌組委員會推動都市更新)及原住戶同意支持。 本論文以台北市建商觀點為出發點,利用半結構式訪談及使用SMART 分析工具,研究建商在研議是否投入某一都市更新案時之考量因素與決策模式,如評估案件來源管道、基地條件、政府法令、大環境經濟景氣及基地內原住戶狀況等,並如何綜合各項條件的優劣加以判斷案件之成功機會,進而導出某塊基地實施都市更新可行性之脈絡與規則,以為投資與否之依據。


Taipei City is the capital of the Republic of China, the main government administration establishment in here, and mostly of the business practices and economic activities take place in this city too. Taipei City provided abundant resources and advantages in lots of area such as in the city construction and with the comprehensive social welfare measures; in additional health care, education and job opportunities, it has attracted the majority of domestic population to inhabit here. Taipei becomes the national’s most densely populated regions, residence requirements also the highest in the country. In a large immigration population, the government and construction company has deliberately and massive development, therefore Taipei City has become a high-cost land, the price is unattainable. It is difficult for ordinary people to own a house, and construction companies also face difficulties in obtaining land and costs continue to elevate. For the worse, lots of lands is almost over development and with the land value and house price is keep breaking the record! Therefore, the only economical solution is through urban renewal, such as old house demolition and reconstruction methods to improve the living environment. This solution can allow builders to avoid a huge land cost and therefore may create a business opportunity with a win-win situation. The promotion of urban renewal by the government, provide an opportunity of cooperation between construction companies and the owners of old departments. However, few cases were ended with success. To successfully complete an urban renewal case, there are some indispensable elements: government policy support, the involvement of- construction company and the agreement of original household. In this paper, a semi-structured interview and the SMART decision technique were applied from builder’s perspective to develop a model for the decision of investment on urban renewal projects.


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