  • 學位論文


Study On the Feasibility of Applying GPR to Quality Control for Pipeline Construction

指導教授 : 王隆昌


近年來為了提升民眾的生活品質,臺北市政府透過路平專案的推動而積極辦理道路施工及維護管理作業,從過去的缺失原因進行檢討並積極改善來提升道路的服務品質。現今各縣市道路底下管線佈設錯綜複雜,伴隨而來與日俱增之申挖案件數量也造成民眾及用路人的生活不便,畢竟工業及民生用管線種類繁多且量大,所以當進行管線埋設、維修或遷移動作時必須對道路進行挖掘施工。然各施工單位品質不一往往使工程回填夯壓不實、人(手)孔周邊高程差異造成路面不平、使得原有道路鋪面產生龜裂、車撤及坑洞等情形發生,嚴重影響道路平順之狀況以致於降低到路之服務水準及民眾行車之不便。 本研究透過非破壞性檢測補足現有施工後抽查機制之缺失,預先偵測地下管線位置,從檢測的時間來看只需要原來的8%,大約20分鐘左右即可以檢測完畢,而檢測的結果則有95%的信心水準認為所檢測出來的誤差是在可容許的誤差內。因此,本研究認為透地雷達在道路管線的檢測是可行的。


In recent years, in order to enhance people's quality of life, the Taipei City Government to promote the project through the road level and positive handling road construction and maintenance management operations, the lack of reason from the past to review and actively improve the quality of service to improve the road. Under the current city and county roads pipelines laid intricate, accompanied by the growing number of cases also apply to dig people and caused inconvenience to road users, after all, industrial and consumer use pipelines variety and volume, so when performing pipeline laying, maintenance or migration action must be excavated for road construction. However, the construction unit of varying quality have tended to backfill compaction is not real, human (hand) around the hole caused by the elevation difference uneven pavement, making the existing road pavement cracks, rutting and potholes and other circumstances occur, seriously affecting the smooth road reduced to the condition that at the standard of services and the public road traffic of inconvenience. In this study, through non-destructive testing complement existing mechanisms for the construction of the missing after checking in advance underground pipeline detection position detection time from the point of view requires only 8% of the original, about 20 minutes or so that you can test is completed, the test results are with 95% confidence that the error is detected in the allowable error within. Therefore, this study suggests that penetrating radar detection of the pipeline on the road is feasible.


non-destructive testing GPR roads pipelines


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