  • 學位論文


The Investigation on Brand of Country-of-Origin, Brand Judgments, Brand Resonance and Brand Equity --An Empirical Investigation of National Label of the Clothing Retail Industry

指導教授 : 胡同來


近年來,台灣零售業的崛起,據經濟部統計資料顯示(綜合商品零售業營業額及年增率,2011),近十年來成長達40%。零售通路革命的產生,改變了原先製造、批發與零售商三方的結構關係。而零售通路的高度密集與價格競爭使得零售商也開始投入自有品牌的建立與商品的開發中。 在全球服裝零售產業環境中,「Fast Fashion」將成為未來10年的消費趨勢。以「平價與快速」的中心思想,對消費者的購買決策與該產業內管理者的經營方式造成直接影響。應勢而起的自有服飾品牌有西班牙ZARA、日本UNIQLO、瑞典H&M等等。而台灣的服飾零售產業中也明顯感受到自有品牌與Fast Fashion這二者所帶來的影響變化。在外來品牌陸續登台開設零售店面與台灣本土自有品牌紛紛創立的環境下,使得消費者對於服飾品牌有越來越多的選擇。 因此,本研究將觀察到的這些現象做為研究背景與動機。經由整合過去學者著作與研究,發展一品牌來源國、品牌判斷、品牌共鳴與品牌權益之理論架構。以大台北地區消費者為研究對象,使用結構方程式模型與AMOS為主要分析工具,探討該產業中品牌來源國、品牌判斷、品牌共鳴與品牌權益之間的關聯性。 本研究發現:品牌來源國對品牌判斷、品牌判斷對品牌共鳴、品牌共鳴對品牌權益、品牌來源國對品牌權益皆呈現顯著正向影響;而唯獨在品牌判斷對品牌權益上,並無顯著影響。本研究以自有品牌服飾零售產業消費者做為實證研究之對象,探討各變數之關係,並擬定行銷策略提供實務界參考,期望能對於該產業界之實際策略制定上有所幫助。


In recent years, the rise in the retail industry in Taiwan, according to statistics by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the turnover growth of 40% over the past decade. Revolution in retail channels changed the original manufacture, wholesale and retailer tripartite structure of relations. High concentration of retail channels and price competition, so the retailers have begun to invested in the establishment of its own brand and product development. In the global apparel retail industry environment, "Fast Fashion" will be the consumption trends for the next 10 years. The central idea "cheap and fast", has a direct impact on the purchasing decisions of consumers and the managers’ operation way. With this industry trend, the rise of private label clothing brands like ZARA(Spain), UNIQLO(Japan), H&M(Sweden) and so on. In Taiwan also felt the impact of changes in both “private label clothing brand” and “Fast Fashion” significantly. In Taiwan market, foreign brands have to open retail stores and the private label clothing brand in Taiwan have been established, makes consumers more and more choices for apparel brands. Therefore, this study observed these phenomenon as a research background. Through the integration of past academic books and related research, to develop a brand of country-of-origin, brand judgment, brand resonance and brand equity of the theoretical framework. The data collected from the consumers in Taipei area by the questionnaire investigation method. Using structural equation modeling and AMOS as the main analysis tools. Explore the correlation between brand country-of-origin, brand judgments, brand resonance and brand equity in the industry. The most significant findings are: 1.There is a significant, positive correlation between Brand of Country-of-Origin and Brand Judgment. 2.There is a significant, positive correlation between Brand Judgment and Brand Resonance. 3.There is not a significant, positive correlation between Brand Judgment and Brand Equity. 4.There is a significant, positive correlation between Brand Resonance and Brand Equity. 5.There is a significant, positive correlation between Brand of Country-of-Origin and Brand Equity. In this survey, an empirical study takes private label of the clothing retail industry to discover the relationships in different variables. Contributions of the findings are to provide business marketing strategy.


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林佳嬋(2014)。連鎖速食業來源國形象、品牌信任與品牌權益之關聯性研究 ─以麥當勞為例〔碩士論文,國立高雄餐旅大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6825/NKUHT.2014.00015
