  • 學位論文


Establishment of Visual Platform (Visual_SERCB) for Pushover Analysis of Building

指導教授 : 宋裕祺


隨著時代變遷,3D動畫影像已是數位科技創作中不可或缺的一環,電腦應用技術也日新月異,從商業廣告活動到科學技術模擬無一不運用3D製作技術,對於影像呈現也更加奪目,從十幾年前2D的畫面到近期的3D動畫發展,說明了視覺成像的重要性與日俱增。 隨著電腦技術的快速發展、電腦運算效能的大幅提升,人類在電腦螢幕的視覺上不再滿足由圖片、影像為主要構成的二維平面世界,而積極的尋求由三維模型所構成的擬真世界。因此,製造三維模型的相關軟體在這幾年來大量增加,如3D Studio Max、AutoCAD、Maya 等,這些軟體的強大功能使得製造三維模型變得更加容易。 本研究之目的為使用3ds Max繪圖軟體來製作側推動畫虛擬實境場景,其研究之方法是利用C#程式語言製作出Visual_SERCB作為鋼筋混凝土建築物耐震能力評估視窗輔助系統SERCB與3ds Max之平台,希望能簡單且快速製作側推動畫,展示各結構桿件在側推分析中裂縫發展情形,有助於工程師藉由視覺成像對於房屋結構在地震作用下之破壞發展模式有更為具體的認識。


SERCB 3ds Max 開裂模式


In the past decades, the computer technology got a great progress in the animation of image. With the rapid development in computer science, the 3D animation technology has been significantly applied to create the virtual visualization of reality in many fields from commercial advertising to academic simulations. It can be seen that the visual image technology is getting more and more important in our daily life. The 3D simulating models make a better understanding of virtual visualization of reality. Consequencely, there are many relavent software like as 3D Studio Max, AutoCAD, Maya, etc, that have been developed to reveal 3D animation models easily. This thesis aims at developing a virtual reality system in displaying the failure process of the reinforced concrete (RC) building subjected to earthquake. The system implemented by the language of C# associated with the commercial software 3ds Max serves as the postprocessor of the well known software of seismic evaluation of RC building (SERCB). The propagation of damage for each structural member of the RC building during the pushover process can be shown visually. This thesis helps the engineers realize the seismic behaviors of the building structure.


SERCB 3ds Max crack




