  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Active Cell Balancing System of a Single Stage SEPIC with Cost-effectiveness

指導教授 : 楊銘基


本論文提出一應用SEPIC轉換器之主動式電芯平衡系統,其主要應用於電動車輛(EV)之鋰離子電池的電池管理系統。藉此系統來管理電動車輛的鋰離子電池,以避免串接中的鋰離子電芯因充放電的過程而產生失衡之問題。本系統以SEPIC轉換器為功率級,並透過輸出開關的切換,使本系統能達到電池組對各電芯(Pack to Cell)做平衡電量補充。再者,相較於其他轉換器之平衡法,本系統只需用一個轉換器即能對多個電芯進行平衡,不僅架構較為簡單,由於沒有了多個轉換器所需要的電感與電容,成本與體積也降低許多,並且保有平衡速度快的優點。最後,本文以四個串接數的3.6V/10Ah磷酸鋰鐵電芯來驗證本系統,並利用能量回收式電池充放電測試系統設計三種測試,定電流充電,定電流放電,美國FTP-75放電曲線來驗證本系統之平衡可靠度。


This study proposes an active cell balancing system with single-ended primary-inductor converter (SEPIC) for the Li-ion battery management system (BMS) in the electric vehicle (EV). The Li-ion battery of the EV could be regulated by the proposed topology to avoid cell unbalance in series during the charging or discharging process. The Proposed topology applies SEPIC in power stage, through output switches let energy from total battery pack to single cell (Pack to Cell). Furthermore, compared with other converter base balancing topology, the system uses only one single converter to multi cells, instead of multi converters to several cells. Without additional inductor and capacitor, it could be improved the cost efficiency. System test on four series 3.6V/10Ah LiFe cells, to verify system, three kind of test designed, like constant current charging, constant current discharging, and simulated FTP-75 test. Finally, captured cells voltage curve by regenerative battery pack test system.


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