  • 學位論文


Design and Analysis of Dental Implants as Drug Delivery Mechanisms

指導教授 : 呂志誠


在傳統醫療中,利用針扎給藥的方式是相當常見的,但是對於一些長期需要施打藥物來維持病情的患者,侵入式的針扎方式是對患者帶來更多的心理及生理上的恐懼,本研究提出一個無痛且可以穩定釋放出藥物劑量的機構,透過人體齒槽骨中的血液把藥物釋放至全身,人工植體植入在口腔內的上顎骨,因為此處富含較多的血液及結締組織,首先選擇已通過認證的鈦金屬植體,接著設計出一機構,此機構可與人工鈦金屬植體進行相結合,並且具有精準釋放藥物的能力,以利未來可以控制施打進人體的藥液容量,此外,利用Pro/ENGINEER繪製3D的牙植體機構,並且運用ANSYS Workbench來模擬施打藥液時所產生的向下負載對人體上顎骨中骨質的應力分布情形,其結果為在施打藥液所產生的負載應力及形變結果不會比人體咬合力所產生的負載來的大,而在控制藥液重量方面,在特定的機構轉動角度範圍內呈現了高精度的藥物釋放表現,其標準差之平均值小於7%,但其每120度施打藥液重量的標準差的差異較大。


人工植體 釋放藥物


In traditional medicine, drug delivery by venous injection is regarded as a standard procedure. However, regularly and frequently venous injections may bring unbearably physical and psychological discomforts. We propose a long-term drug releasing device, which can achieve painless drug releasing by maxillary dental implant fixture due to the surrounding tissue filled with blood supplies. The Bicon dental implant fixture is selected and manufactured to create the canals over its button as the drug releasing channels. Then we design the above loading abutment to store the drug and prepared for releasing. The quantitative device is also considered in the device design. Besides, Pro/ENGINEER is perform to plot the 3D dental implant design and simulation is done by ANSYS Workbench software to evaluate the loading forces and the stress distribution caused by the drug fluid over the surrounding structures. The results show that the deformation and the loading force is less than the normal occlusal force. Furthermore, the quantitative drug releasing shows highly positive correlations. However, further device will focus on the improvement of the reproducibility and minimizing of the device.


Implant Drug delivery


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游政峰(2014)。應用於藥物釋放裝置之設計與分析 - 以高分子聚合物溶劑為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2014.00482
