  • 學位論文


Study on Energy Management System for Hydrogen Fuel Cell/Li-MnO2 Battery Electric Range Extended Scooter

指導教授 : 郭桂林


有鑑於現今市售電動機車於使用及開發時之最大問題為電池續航力不足,為提升其續航力,本研究試以54V/24Ah鋰錳電池為主動力源,並加裝一200W質子交換膜式氫氧燃料電池作為輔助動力源,驅動1.5kW輪轂馬達,延續於實驗平台之雙電力增程系統研究,改裝一電動機車成為氫燃料電池複合電力增程機車,並搭配無線網路基地台,使平板電腦可以WiFi傳輸作為無線監控面板及儀表板。 本研究開發能量管理及行車控制系統,於改裝過程中改進了電池殘電量(State of Charge, SOC)的量測方式,並撰寫一電容量更新程式來防止因電池老化造成的量測失準。為使此機車更符合實際上路的需求,本研究於行車控制系統設計了許多配合實際行駛的程式,並以切換模式及限制加速性作為能量管理策略,降低電池在低電量時的輸出功率。實驗結果顯示,雙電力模式約可減少17%的電池功率輸出,而加速性限制約可降低12.82%的整體馬達功率消耗,使用車體動力計所作之實車測試,與實驗平台之差異約在2~5%,與道路測試之差異值則不超過1.5%。


According to current marketed electric scooter, the biggest problem is lack of cruising range. In the light of this, this study presents a hydrogen fuel cell hybrid range extended scooter, which consisted of 54V/24Ah Li-MnO2 battery and 200W hydrogen fuel cell. And use the wireless router to connect your tablet to make it through WiFi connection becomes monitor. This study focus on energy management system, the conversion process improvements measurement method of battery capacity (State of Charge, SOC). And write a program which update battery capacity to prevent inaccurate measurements caused by battery aging. This study designed a control system to meet the needs of actual driving. And use multi-mode and acceleration limit as an energy management strategy to reduce power output while low SOC. The experimental results show the dual power mode can reduce about 17% of battery power output, and acceleration limit can reduce to approximately 12.82% of the motor power consumption.


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