  • 學位論文


An Action Research on the effects of STAD Cooperative Learning on Senior High School Students' Learning Attitude toward Mathematics

指導教授 : 張嘉育


有感於教學場域中學生數學學習態度日漸低落,研究者乃將合作學習之「學生小組成就區分法( STAD )」實施於數學課程中,試圖改善此問題。本研究目的有二:首先探討STAD合作學習法於數學教學實施過程之遭遇問題及解決策略;其次,探討本教學實施後對學生數學學習態度的影響。研究者以高二導師班40名學生為研究對象,以行動研究的方式進行為期12週的研究。研究中,除了以「數學學習態度量表」分析學生數學學習態度之前、後差異之外,並藉由觀察紀錄、晤談紀錄、學生之學習心得等質性資料的蒐集與分析,以瞭解學生對數學學習的看法。最後獲致以下結論:一、STAD合作學習法教學實施過程中,在教師教學、學生學習及教學環境等部分各存在若干問題,經研究者反思並擬定、執行各項解決策略後得予以改善。二、STAD合作學習法使學生的整體數學學習態度、數學價值觀、學習動機與解決學習困難均獲顯著改善,顯示STAD能有效改善學生之數學學習態度。三、STAD合作學習法使學生對數學學習的看法有許多正面迴響,學生上課變得更專注、學習更具熱忱、學習概念更清楚、學習氣氛更提升、也更認真練習數學完成作業。整體而言,學生變得比較喜歡數學,也比較用心學習數學了。本研究最後並根據本研究過程及結果所得之省思研擬再出發之方向。


According to the teaching field, students’ learning attitudes toward mathematics have deteriorated. To solve this problem, the researcher integrated the “Student’s Teams Achievement Division, STAD” cooperative learning method into mathematic curricula. This study has two objectives. The first is to explore the problems encountered when implementing the STAD cooperative learning process and their solution strategies. The second is to investigate how implementing cooperative learning has influenced students’ attitudes toward learning mathematics. The research subjects were 40 sophomore senior high school students. The action research method was implemented in a 12-week study. During the study, qualitative data were collected and analyzed to understand the students’ perceptions regarding learning mathematics. Additionally the students’ attitudes toward learning mathematics before and after the 12-week intervention were assessed with the Learning Attitudes Toward Mathematics Scale. Based on the results of this study, the researcher present the following conclusions: 1. A number of problems in the teacher instruction, student learning, and learning environment occurred throughout the learning process. After reflection and reformulation, the researcher implemented various solution strategies in the teaching process to resolve these problems. 2. Results of the Learning Attitudes Toward Mathematics Scale indicated that the students’ overall “mathematical values,” “learning motivation,” and “ability to overcome learning difficulties” improved dramatically. This shows that cooperative learning can effectively improve students’ learning attitudes toward mathematics. 3. Cooperative learning had a significant and positive impact on students’ attitudes toward learning mathematics. Students become more focused on learning and enthusiastic about what the researcher instructed during the classes. Students’ learning concepts are clearer, the learning atmosphere is enhanced, and students are more committed to practicing mathematics and completing their homework. Overall, students have found math more enjoyable and have been more focused on learning math. The findings of this study can provide a reference for mathematics teachers and school administrators.




高峻哲(2014)。合作學習對國中八年級學生數學學習態度與學習成就影響之研究– 以「一元二次方程式」單元為例〔碩士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2014.00218
