  • 學位論文


The Study on Key Success Factors of Vehicle Sales in Taiwan Automobile Industry

指導教授 : 蔡國隆 博士
共同指導教授 : 王建彬 博士


本研究係以台灣地區汽車產業的車輛銷售業者為探討對象,擬找出車輛銷售的關鍵成功因素,依據文獻探討及台灣地區汽車產業車輛銷售市場分析,再加上產業界相關產、學、研等專家的問卷設計調查,彙總出產品、價格、通路、推廣、人員、實體環境、服務流程等七個關鍵成功因素,以及這七個關鍵成功因素的次級評估指標,以建立層級架構。 本研究的目的有三:1.文獻探討影響車輛銷售成功的關鍵因素;2.實證車輛銷售成功的關鍵因素;3.根據實證結果,對於台灣汽車產業車輛銷售業者提出相關的建議。 本研究以國內汽車產業具相當代表性的汽車進口代理商及汽車經銷商、學校教授及研究學者等專家做為研究調查對象,並以不計名方式進行資料蒐集。所蒐集的實證資料利用層級分析程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)加以分析,找出各個關鍵因素的相對權重。 研究結果發現車輛銷售關鍵成功因素就整體樣本而言,價格的權重值最高,其次的排序是產品、推廣、通路、人員、實體環境、服務流程。另外,以整體的分析結果來看次因素評估指標中權重最重的為品牌形象塑造能力,其次的排序是市場切入定價策略、性能/價格比、掌握市場需求趨勢能力、行銷推廣能力、款式具多樣性&獨特性、購後用車成本、促銷力度等八項為車輛銷售最關鍵之成功因素。


This essay attempts to discover the key success factors in car sales in Taiwan automobile market by taking car companies as case study. The main study material comes from relative literatures, sales analysis in Taiwan automobile market, field research from academic and research institutions. Through systematic analysis 7 key success factors are summarized-product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence, service process, and then develop secondary indicators in order to establish a hierarchical structure. The purposes of this essay encompass: 1.literatures about key success factors in car sales; 2.key success factors in empirical car sales; 3.based on the empirical result to form recommendations for car companies in Taiwan automobile market. Participants of the anonymous survey primarily are representative domestic carmakers, car importers, personnel of academic institutions and car experts. The methodology applied to this survey is Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the empirical data then can identify the weights of each key success factor. The survey results from samples reveal the rank of key success factors in car sales. The most important factor is price. The following factors are product, promotion, place, people, physical evidence, and service process. Besides, in the view of secondary indicators the performance in branding will be the most crucial, followed by price penetration strategy, capability/price, ability in market trend awareness and deployment, marketing ability, variety and uniqueness, maintenance cost and promotion force which all are the key performance indicators.


Vehicle sales 7Ps KSF AHP


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