  • 學位論文


A Situational exploration on the spaces of Psychotherapy

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


心理治療維繫著個人及社會的心理平衡,而該空間的深層結構要能回應與傳達治療的信念及意義。本質上,心理諮商與治療的空間情境設計應是的受困心靈暫歇處,也是心理轉化的觸媒,更是催化追尋和接納自我及周遭世界的場所;並且,治療的空間本身應要具備催化療癒的功能。 本研究以「誘導式結構」理論模型為研究方法,經探討心理治療的意義、空間本質及情境與覺知議題等相關文獻後,推演出心理治療的空間情境分別有六項: 一、推動內省與外化的循環; 二、深刻覺察建構中的自我; 三、覺察整體存在的豐富性; 四、適切而真實的關係彩排; 五、歸賦自然擷取力量; 六、自在而容受的環境。 期能夠對後續心理治療的空間設計具正面意義。


Psychotherapy helps to maintain the mental well-being of our society. Accordingly, surface structure of the space that provides such services should be able to reflect and convey the meaning and philosophy of that deep structure. In essence, space design of psychotherapy should be a shelter for the troublesome, an instigator for mental transformation, and an advocate for exploring and accepting oneself and his/her surroundings. Furthermore, the space itself should be facilitating healing processes. Adopting the method of Heuristic structure model, this study aims to first investigate issues covering psychotherapy, definition and essence of space, and situation and perception, and as a result, deducing 6 appropriate spatial situations for psychotherapy: 1.Initiating the cycle between internalization and externalization; 2.Being vigilantly aware of oneself as in a constant process of construction; 3.Holistic appreciation of the abundant existence; 4.An appropriate and authentic rehearsal of interactions and relations. 5.Gaining strength from Mother Nature; 6.An easy and contained environment.


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