  • 學位論文


A Web-Based Personal Healthcare Management System

指導教授 : 蔣以仁
共同指導教授 : 李元綺(Yuan-Chii Lee)


本文以Web 2.0的技術建立個人專屬的健康管理系統,使用者可經由網際網路整合看診醫療院所之病歷資源,並結合個人自行紀錄其他就診狀況、飲食與任何身體的不適應反應,如同個人理財系統般,協助一般的民眾個人能自行管理與規劃自己的健康。 建構以個人化概念設計醫療資訊服務網站伺服系統,建立個人專屬化的健康醫療紀錄,提供民眾健康醫藥互動式資訊檢索,除可讓使用者掌握自己健康狀況,可透過資訊檢索,解除民眾的就診治療處置疑惑,尤其是藥物,使用者之任何不適應現象的發生,亦可自行註記,以為將來就醫時,提供醫護人員行使醫囑的重要參考;系統設計上採取適用於一般民眾使用之親和式的操作介面,以落實個人化服務之概念。在消費意識高漲的現今社會,除了增加消費者醫藥知識同時也將加強其自主權力。


This thesis presents a web-based personal healthcare management system for assisting patients to manage their own health profile. Patients can easily retrieval healthcare information about a disease from Web, however, they often lose their points of view on for which information they should really apply. Too much information in Web confuses and biases patients to concisely recognize a disease, because their personal health statuses have not been recorded for reference. To understand the knowledge related to patients’ queries from Web, it is necessary for patients able to record their health profiles, and obtain correct information based on them. For the sake of the above reasons, we develop the system collaborated with the personal historical records from hospitals to assist patients directly take charge of their healthy. Based on the concept of personalization the system focuses on organizing a personal web-based medical information web service site by integrating with an interactive information retrieval system. Not only can patients comprehend their health statuses, but also release their hassles on diagnoses and treatments; especially medications. A patient can remark improper statuses about their treatments at home for supporting physicians a clue to provide a proper treatment. A Web 2.0 user interface design facilitates the development of the concept of personal services. In order to widespread to any kinds of users, our personal healthcare management system involves Web 2.0 technologies on providing a friendly and easy-used interface to implement the concept of personal services.


蔣以仁,一對一個人化服務機制,CCL Technical Journal 2001年。
羅維毅(2002年),健保『慢性病治療紀錄卡』用藥管理資料庫之設計與建置研究,A study on Implementation of Drugs Management Database for Chronic Disease Patient Data Card,國立成功大學工程科學研究所碩士論文,民91。
林建明(2002年),健保『慢性病治療紀錄卡』用藥管理電腦模擬作業之研究,A study of the PC Simulation on Drugs Management for Chronic Disease Patient Data Card,國立成功大學工程科學研究所碩士論文,民91。


