  • 學位論文


Using Artificial Neural Networks to Build Prediction Models of Kidney Stones

指導教授 : 徐建業


到目前腎結石是否容易由某些疾病引起已有諸多推測,我們找出五種可能導致腎結石的疾病,我們用大量資料樣本並以加以分析使用了T test同時也使用類神經網路及二元Logistic regression建置預測模型看是否能預測腎結石發生。 本研究以國民健康保險局的百萬歸人檔中2000~2003的病患作為樣本,過濾在2000~2003間有罹患腎結石的病患,過濾剩下的病患則為我們的樣本並且統計樣本中的病患在2000~2003有無罹患糖尿病、副甲狀腺機能亢進、痛風關節炎、高血脂及高血壓,接著我們再從國民健康保險局的百萬歸人檔中2004~2008的資料中去追蹤樣本中的病患是否再這幾年間有得到腎結石,接著對資料做敘述性分析統計,最後再以STATISTCA 8的Automated Neural Network工具對樣本訓練及建構類神經網路模型及預測,並且嘗試使用較少的疾病因子去訓練預測模型,我們也以二元Logistic regression對樣本做預測的測試。 最後本研究發現,本研究以所有變數去訓練出的類神經模型可以得到最佳ROC面積,而且本研究的樣本相當大使得由本研究所產生的統計數據具有很高的參考價值。


So far, there are lots of speculations of certain diseases could cause the formation of kidney stones, we find out five disease which could contribute to the Formation of kidney stones and we use artificial neural networks to build up prediction model and compare with binary logistic regression, at the same time, we also try to use less factors of diseases to aim the prediction. This research use National Health Insurance Research Database(NHIRD) as data source, we selected patients who have not been diagnosed any kidney stone between 2000 and 2003 and we counted whether they have been diagnosed diabetes mellitus、Gouty Arthropathy、hyperlipidemia and Hypertension , then we tracked them from 2004 to 2008 to see whether they were diagnosed kidney stones as result. After this procedure we use automated neural network tool of STATISTICA 8 to build up a prediction model for the data and we attempt to use less factor to build the prediction model which can attain the same or greater prediction ability. We also use binary logistic regression to verified the artificial neural network model that trained by us. Finally, the artificial neural network model with all variables trained by us can get the best performance. Plus, the samples we use in this research is quite large so it makes the statistical number of this research is trustful and has a high value for reference.


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