  • 學位論文


Prediction of Survival Rate in Patients with Colorectal Cancer by an Artificial Neural Network Model

指導教授 : 劉立
共同指導教授 : 楊騰芳(Ten-FangYang)


自民國七十一年起, 癌症即躍居國人十大死因第一位,到今年約二十多年。綜觀民眾癌症發生及死亡情形,皆呈現逐年上升趨勢,其中大腸癌及直腸癌除了發生率逐年上升,死亡率更是十大癌症的前三位。根據估計,在可見的計未來,癌症仍是影響國人健康重要原因之ㄧ 在生物統計的領域?堶情A「存活率」是生命統計的一個範疇,它能夠指出某特定族群人口,在被診斷出罹患某種疾病後,於某時間區間內仍然活著的百分比。例如:一百位罹患大腸癌的病人,在接受手術後的五年內,有六十位還活著,我們簡稱「五年存活率為百分之六十」。存活率對於疾病的預後,是一項重要的指標,存活率越高,當然預後就越好。 在臨床上,要針對一位癌症病人作出準確的存活率預測,有其必要性但是卻相當困難。如果我們對於治療後的預測過於樂觀,往往造成病人及家屬的預期與實際結果有太大的落差,潛藏引發醫療糾紛的危險,同時也會使負責治療後照顧的醫療人員措手不及。另一方面,如果我們對於治療後對存活率的預測過於悲觀,卻可能使病人或家屬放棄治療的選擇,因而錯失治療的良機,所以「過尤不及」。一套客觀而準確的癌症存活率預測系統,不但有助於評估治療模組(treatment modality)的效益、讓病人在可能有限的日子作最好的準備、同時也可以有助於國家衛生政策的制定與推行,所以我認為,是有其臨床實用價值的。 建立癌症診療資料庫的目的,是要收集並追蹤在各醫院診斷及治療之六種癌症照護相關資料,以分析醫院對癌症病人的醫療照護管理、追蹤及預後情形,並適時回饋資料作為醫院了解本院與其他醫院之差異,並進而作為內部品質改善或其他相關研究之參考。以大腸直腸癌的資料庫為例,這個資料庫包含的欄位有六十多個,其中除了一些如:身份證字號及醫療院所代碼等與疾病無關的醫院及個人資料外,大部分都可以作為預後預測的輸入參數 以現在的類神經網路模型,加上癌症登錄資料庫的適當欄位作為輸入變項,可以獲得更好的預測結果。在這個研究?堶情A發展出針對病人本身的存活率預測模型,而其準確度比以往的統計方法都要來得高。


Cancer death proceeded to the leading cause of death since 1982 and the trend of both mortality rate and prevalence are increasing as time. Colorectal cancer is not only has an increasing mortality rate but also be the third leading cause of cancer death recently. The percentage of people in a study or treatment group who are alive for a certain period of time after they were diagnosed with or treated for a disease, such as cancer. The survival rate is often stated as a five-year survival rate, which is the percentage of people in a study or treatment group who are alive five years after diagnosis or treatment. But it is only a number of percentage of people survived not the probability of survival of an individual. Clinically, it is very difficult to predict the survival rate of an individual with cancer because there are many influencing factors and the factors are interacting to each other. In this study, I try to establish an artificial neural network model to predict the survival rate of an individual with colorectal cancer based on a cancer registry database.


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