  • 學位論文


Exploring Influencing Factors of Consumers' Intentions to Re-using Cosmetic Medicine

指導教授 : 黃國哲


自從健保制度及總額制度實施後,眾多醫院紛紛面臨經營困境,擴展自費項目乃許多醫院所採取的因應策略。加上潮流趨勢所致,使得醫學美容產業日益蓬勃發展。另一方面,現今的消費者對於其權益日益重視,對於醫學美容產業的市場趨勢亦有一定的影響力。因此,瞭解影響消費者再次使用醫學美容意願的相關因素,是機構經營者必須重視的議題。 本研究旨在探討消費者的個人屬性(例如:性別及教育程度等)與機構的屬性(例如:醫師的醫術、醫護人員服務態度、及儀器設備等)及消費項目,是否為消費者決定再次接受醫學美容服務的影響因素。本研究針對基隆市立醫院醫學美容中心的消費者,於中華民國103年4月29日至5月31日,以立意抽樣的方式發放問卷由消費者自行填答,以蒐集相關數據。本研究共發出120份問卷,實得有效問卷共120份,有效回收率為100%。使用的統計方法包括描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、雪費事後檢定、相關分析及複迴歸分析等。 研究結果發現,個人屬性中以「教育程度」與「再次使用醫學美容意願」有顯著的關連性。另一方面,醫療機構屬性之「醫療品質」及「機構位置的便利性」與「再次使用醫學美容意願」則有顯著的關連性。最後,「醫療品質」愈高及「機構位置的便利性」愈佳,則「再次使用醫學美容意願」會愈高。 依據研究結果,本研究提出下列幾項建議以供醫療院所的經營管理階層參考:1. 積極開發更廣泛的消費族群;2. 創新提出醫學美容多元服務方案;3. 持續追求全面性及優質的醫療品質服務,提升顧客的滿意度,以增加其再次消費的意願;4. 注重顧客關係管理,以提高顧客的忠誠度及再次消費的意願;及5. 積極爭取醫學美容品質認證,以塑造品牌形象。


Ever since the implementation of National Health Insurance and Global Budget Payment System, many hospitals are facing fierce competition. Therefore, the need to provide out-of-pocket service items is deemed a vital strategy by many hospitals, especially in the cosmetic medicine industry. Moreover, it is reasonable that the rise of consumer awareness will plays a leading role in the cosmetic medicine industry. As a result, understanding the influencing factors with respect to consumers’ willingness of re-using cosmetic medicine is a critical issue for hospital management. The present study aimed to examine whether consumers’ personal characteristics (such as gender and education level ) and medical institutions’ attributes (such as skills of doctors, quality of medical personnel, and availability of instruments) and service items consumed would have impacts upon the willingness of consumers’ re-using cosmetic medicine. The study distributed questionnaires to the customers of cosmetic medicine at Keelung Municipal Hospital by the purposive sampling method. A total of 120 questionnaires were distributed. In the end, 120 effective questionnaires were returned with a 100% response rate. Statistical methods used included descriptive statistics, independent-samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s method, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Results indicated that among personal attributes, “educational level” were significantly associated with “willingness of reusing comestic medicine”. In addition, with respect to health care organization attributes, “healthcare quality” and “convenience of location” were significantly related to “willingness of reusing comestic medicine”. Finally, results demonstrated that “healthcare quality” and “convenience of location”, were significantly associated with “willingness of reusing cosmetic medicine”. Based on research findings, the study proposed the following suggestions to hospital management : 1. Develop broader consumers groups;2. develop innovative multi-cosmetic medicine service programs;3. improve quality of health services as to increase consumers’ satisfaction and willingness of re-consumption; 4. maintain good customer relationship as to increase customer loyalty and willingness of re-consumption;and 5. pursue cosmetic medicine quality certification as to create a good brand image.


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