  • 學位論文


The Study of the Relationship Between the Personality Factor and Adjustment Among Male Soldiers With Adjustment Disorders.

指導教授 : 李選 蕭妃秀




適應障礙 役男 人格特質


The aims of the study were to examine the relationships between (1) sociodemographic data and personality characteristics, (2) sociodemographic data and adjustment and (3) personality characteristics and adjustment among male soldiers with adjustment disorders. The study was designed using cross-sectional correlation method. The Army Adjustment Scale and Lai’s Personality Scale were used for the study. The 127 male soldiers with adjustment disorders were recruited through the use of the purposive sampling. The results indicated that (1) the educational levels were significantly related to personality factor, (2) there was a significant relationship between adjustment and the individual differences of age, orders in the family members, educational level, family income, status in army and the length of staying in the army, (3) The type of eccentric personality was negatively related to adjustment, and (4) adjustment was significantly related to personality characteristics including “general activity”, “social extraversion”, thinking extraversion”, “rhathymia”, “inferiority feeling”, “nervousness”, “anxiety”, “depression” and “coorperation”. The findings of the study suggested that implementing screen of personality characteristics for men before entering in the army may help to identify the men who are likely to have an adjustment problem and to provide counseling services for them. The early identification of the men with personality and adjustment problems will reduce additional finance and staff of the army to deal with their adjustment problems.


參考資料 中文部分: 王美業、邱淑貞、何美華(2000)?護理系學生人格特質與壓力症狀相關性之研究?新台北護理期刊,2(1),49-57。
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