  • 學位論文


Antioxidant and anti-breast cancer cell activity of six Vitaceae plants

指導教授 : 梁文俐


葡萄科植物是具清熱效果的藥材,一般民間用法為消炎、治療肝病或搗敷治癰腫。本論文以市面常見的六種葡萄科植物做抗氧化及人類乳癌細胞株MCF-7毒殺試驗為主。 在利用不同溶媒萃取葡萄科植物評估抗乳癌細胞株MCF-7毒殺試驗和抗氧化試驗中,其包含清除DPPH自由基、螯合亞鐵離子、抑制超氧陰離子之生成、還原三價鐵離子能力測定及抗肝脂質過氧化等幾項。在清除DPPH自由基方面結果顯示,用乙醇及50%乙醇萃取的葡萄科植物具有不錯效用,其中50%乙醇萃取細本山葡萄(枝)在還原能力測定及螯合亞鐵離子實驗中皆達到50%以上的抑制率。至於抑制超氧陰離子之生成方面47個樣品則都無明顯效用。本研究整體來看,利用50%乙醇萃取的葡萄科植物在抗氧化方面都比用其他溶媒更有效用。在抗氧化實驗中:細本山葡萄及烏蘝莓在螯合亞鐵離子的能力中效用分別有達到70%及60%以上。清除DPPH自由基試驗中翼莖葡萄最有效,清除率高達95%以上。抗肝脂質過氧化試驗中以廣東山葡萄最好,其抑制率有95%以上。白蘝對於抗氧化雖然無特別效用,但在人類乳癌細胞株MCF-7毒殺試驗上有很好的成效其抑制細胞生長率為95%以上。在全部實驗方面,山葡萄及烏蘝莓的葉部位都具有很好的抗氧化能力及毒殺乳癌細胞株功效;山葡萄的葉在MCF-7細胞毒殺試驗中的抑制率為82%。本論文希望藉由六種葡萄科植物的抗氧化能力來達到預防癌症發生及治療乳癌的輔助藥材。


葡萄科 抗氧化 乳癌 MCF-7


The Vitaceae is kind of material for cleaning-heat in medicine. Normally, we use it for anti-flammatory, treating for liver trouble or trauma dressing. In this paper, we will take some familiar Vitaceae plants to test for anti-oxidation and killing human breast cancer cells MCF-7. In this experiment, we use different kind of solvent to extract Vitaceae plants to test of antioxidae, includes clean DPPH free radical, ferrous ions chelating effects, restrain producing superoxide anion, ferric reducing ability of plasma and anti-liver lipid peroxidation assay. In result of DPPH free radical clean test, we got good effect that using 50% ethanol and ethanol extracted Vitaceae plants in the test of ferrous ion chelating effects have over 50% restraint rate by using 50% ethanol. But it non-effect about restraining superoxide ions and cleaning. In this project for 47 sample. It showed that it has better effect by using 50% ethanol to be solvent to extract Vitaceae plants than other solvents. In antioxidant experimental, Vitis thunbergi and Cayratia japonica in ferrous ions chelating have good effect, it was 70% and 60% respectively. The assay of DPPH free radical clean test best is Cissus pteroclada, it has over 95%, in anti-liver lipid peroxidation assay, the best is Ampelopsis cantoniensis, it has over 95% too, and Ampelopsis Japonica has well effect on killing human breast cancer cells MCF-7 but have no effect about anti-oxidation. All of experimental, we found the leave of Ampelopsis revipedunculata and Cayratia japonica have good effect of antioxidation and anti-breast cancer cell, Ampelopsis revipedunculata leave inhibit human breast cancer cell MCF-7 effect reach over 82%. In this paper, we hope go the way by use antioxidantion to prevention cancer and treatment breast cancer adjuvant medicines with six kind of Vitaceae plants.


Viteaceae anti-oxidant breast cancer MCF-7


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