  • 學位論文


A Study on the Association between Chronic Periodontitis and Adverse Pregnancy outcomes

指導教授 : 林恆慶


內政部戶政司統計資料顯示2010年上半年臺灣出生嬰兒計 8萬2,712人,較2009年同期 大減8.9%,折合年粗出生率7.2‰,續創歷年新低,平均每對夫妻一輩子生育不到一名子女。同時,就行政院主計處之國情統計通報資料顯示,2009年台灣尚以0.01的差距險勝德國,險居全球倒數第二,2010年已跌破0.9大關,成為全球生育率最低的國家!雖然出生率逐年下降,早產的發生率並沒有降低,國民健康局最近三年的出生通報中,早產兒約佔新生兒活產人數的8.5%-8.9%,其中會造成較高死亡率與罹病率的極低體重早產兒(出生體重<1500 公克),則佔新生兒活產人數的0.74%-0.8%。 牙周病與早產的關聯性最早發表於 1996年,其後陸續有研究者嘗試證實牙周病可能為過去忽略之早產危險因子。據估計,美國30歲以上人口約35%有牙周病;財團法人牙周病防治基金會資料顯示,台灣地區35歲以上的成年人罹患牙周病之比例高達90%。因此,確認牙周病對早產之影響,將有助於避免此危險因子導致之不良懷孕結果。 本研究根據研究目的及文獻探討的結果,運用2005年全民健保資料庫與國民健康局之出生通報檔,以回溯性橫斷研究設計,探討孕婦在妊娠期間罹患慢性牙周炎對懷孕結果之影響。自變項為慢性牙周炎診斷與否;依變項乃依據國內外文獻常見的妊娠結果,包括生產方式與新生兒之健康狀況;再參酌文獻中其他可能影響妊娠結果之干擾因子,設定為控制變項,包括產婦個人特點(年齡、配偶年齡、教育程度、居住地、、妊娠糖尿病、妊娠高血壓)與新生兒性別及胎次,以確定研究自變項與依變項之關聯性。 分析結果共獲得333位慢性牙周炎(ICD-9-CM編碼523.4)之研究組,再依相同年齡分佈以1:8 比例隨機選取2,664名婦女為對照組。得到慢性牙周炎與孕婦剖腹生產的校正後勝算比為1.32,且具統計上意義,顯示台灣地區慢性牙周炎孕婦比非慢性牙周炎孕婦增加了剖腹生產的機率,慢性牙周炎確實是造成婦女剖腹生產的原因之一。同時,這群慢性牙周炎產婦發生早產的機率,即使排除掉可能的干擾因子,仍達到1.87倍,且p值為0.0029,說明了慢性牙周炎會增加台灣地區婦女87%的早產機率,是造成早產的重要因子。 本研究以全民健保資料庫與全國出生通報檔為分析範疇,是為全台灣地區97%以上人口之醫療資料,因此分析結果極具代表性。早產是造成新生兒死亡的重要原因,不良妊娠結果導致的剖腹產更是醫療成本的一大負擔,建議相關單位在鼓勵生產,提高出生率的同時,將孕婦慢性牙周炎之預防與治療納入政策規範,將有助於醫療資源最有效運用。


慢性牙周炎 懷孕 妊娠結果 早產 剖腹產


Objective: Thru analysizing two large-scale nationwide population-based datasets, this study aimed to determine the association between maternal periodontitis and adverse pregnancy outcomes in Taiwan. Study design: This study was designed as a retrospective cross-sectional study, and includes a study group and a comparison group. A total of 218,776 women who had live singleton births between January 1, 2005 and December 31, 2005 were identified from our data. 333 were identified to have been diagnosed with Chronic Periodontitis (ICD-9-CM codes 523.4) in ambulatory care visits within one year prior to their index deliveries. We randomly selected 2,664 women (eight for each case woman) to match the distribution of the study group in terms of age (<20, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34 and ≥35 years). The outcome variables of interest were all dichotomous and included LBW, preterm gestation, babies small for gestational, major congenital anomalies, Apgar score at five minutes (< 6), and Caesarean Section. In order to examine the independent effect of Chronic Periodontitis on the specified pregnancy outcomes, we also adjusted for several potential confounders including maternal characteristics, infant gender and parity, and father’s age in our regression models. All analyses were performed using the SAS package. We used ?? 2 tests to examine differences between women with and without Chronic Periodontitis in terms of maternal, paternal, and infants’ characteristics. Conditional logistic regression analyses conditioned on maternal age were performed to calculate the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes between women with and without Chronic Periodontitis. A two-sided p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant in this study. Results: There were no significant differences in the prevalence of LBW infant, congenital anomalies, and Apgar scores of < 6 at five minutes between women with and without Chronic Periodontitis. After adjusting for potential confounding factors, women with Chronic Periodontitis were more likely to have preterm birth (OR=1.87, p =0.0029), and CS (OR=1.32, p =0.0245) than women without Chronic Periodontitis. Conclusions: The results of our study found chronic periodontitis as an independent risk factor for pregnant women to have preterm delivery and experience increased caesarean section compared to those without Chronic Periodontitis.


黃奕燦、方麗容、黃鈞平、許世賓、祝春紅(2005)。臺灣地區之妊娠糖尿病調查。北市醫學雜誌,2 (2),132-137。
