  • 學位論文

北部某醫學大學學生生活壓力、憂鬱及人格特質與網路非計劃性 購物相關性研究

The effects of life stress, depression and personality traits on internet unplanned purchase behavior in a sample of college students

指導教授 : 蘇千田


目標:本研究目的是評估北部某醫學大學學生的網路非計劃性購物,並確定其相關因素。希望藉由探索大學生網路非計劃性購買行為表現,了解購買背後其心理健康的狀態,探討兩者之相關性為何? 方法:抽樣採取隨機比例抽樣,納入該校十一系學生, 以大學部學生為符合調查對象來完成問卷填寫,除了基本人口學特徵及消費情形外,問卷包含四個量表,分別為生活壓力、人格特質、憂鬱及網路非計劃性購物量表,作單變項、雙變項及多變項迴歸分析。 結果: 674 位學生完成問卷填寫,平均年齡為20.61 歲,其中女性佔61.88%,超過九成的受訪者具有網路購買經驗,但近七成的人網路購物時沒有目標。在單變項及多變項迴歸分析顯示,可預測網路非計劃性購物的因子有可支配金額、生活壓力、購物後悔、人格特質、有無購物目標、購物次數及購物時間。 結論:同以往其他研究,生活壓力、人格特質是網路非計劃性購物重要的預測因子。最大差異在於以往研究並非建立在網路上的非計劃性購物行為,這一結論指出無論網路商店或實體店面,造成非計劃性購物的因子大致上是相同的。建議可依照已存在的檢測模式與方向關注心理健康在新興網路購物行為上的發展。


Objectives: This study aims to assess students about internet unplanned purchase behaviors in a medical university, and determine their related factors. Also want to explore the internet unplanned purchase behaviors, to understand the back of buying mental health state and to explain the correlation between that? Methods: Put eleven department undergraduate students for a random sample proportional sampling, let them to completed the survey questionnaires, in addition to demographic characteristics and consumer status, the questionnaire contains four scales, included life stress, personality traits, depression, and unplanned shopping online scale respectively, statistics use for a univariable, bivariable and multivariable regression analysis. Results: 674 students completed questionnaires, the average age was 20.61 years, of which women account for 61.88% and respondents have online shopping experience more than 90%. But it’s near 70% of people have not target online shopping. In univariable and multivariable linear regression analysis showed that in predicting unplanned purchase online, disposable amount, life stress, shopping regret, personality traits, whether the target shopping, shopping frequency and shopping time was significant. Conclusion: Same as other studies in the past, life stress and personality traits are important predictors for unplanned purchase online. Biggest difference is previous studies not based on unplanned purchase behavior online, which concluded that whether online or real stores, resulting in unplanned purchase factors is the same. Proposal in accordance with existing detection mode and direction of mental health concerns in the emerging development of online shopping behavior.


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