  • 學位論文

網際網路搜尋過濾系統 [一個「關鍵頁」超搜尋智慧型代理引擎]

A Keypage-based Intelligence Meta-search Agent on the Internet

指導教授 : 李錫捷


網際網路上的電子文件數量極為龐大,如何快速有效的進行網際網路資訊檢索以獲 得多且高度相關的網頁,已是一項重要的研究課題。而目前網路上的資訊檢索系統 皆是以「關鍵字/詞」來進行檢索,所回應獲得之網頁位址是數以千計,其數量之 驚人已達到「資訊過量」之負擔,以致需耗費使用者大量的時間來逐一檢視網頁, 但是,因為單憑「關鍵字/詞」所獲得的網頁位址,其中大部份的網頁和使用者所 需求的資訊之相關度極低,甚至是毫無相關-「檢索失敗」,尤以前者「資訊過量」 問題比後者之「檢索失敗」更為嚴重。以一個傳統的網路資源檢索系統,所獲得的 資源資訊可知是如何的繁多,單憑使用者本能的過濾功能,縱使耗費巨量的時間, 亦是不足以應付如此巨量的資訊。因此本研究計劃由使用者提供一篇「關鍵頁 (文件或網頁位址)」,整合乏晰理論、資訊檢索、資訊過濾、超搜尋、智慧型代理 引擎、平行處理、三層式架構等相關技術及理論,建構一個「關鍵頁」超搜尋智慧 型代理引擎,以協助使用者來獲得與其資訊需求相關度高的網頁。實際測試的結果 顯示,本研究雛形系統之資訊過濾功能具有相當的成效。


It has become a critical issue to effectively retrieve useful information from the Internet as the electronic documents available online has grown drastically fast during the last few years. Most of the currently available information retrieval systems on the Internet are designed to search desired information using keywords. The number of resulting documents provided by these systems are usually more than what is needed since most of them are not highly related, or even irrelevant to the user''''s needs. It creates the so-called "information overload" or "search failure" problems. Due to many of the powerful search engines available, it is more likely to encounter the problem of "information overload". In this study, a keypage-based intelligent meta-search agent is proposed which helps users to easily locate webpages that are more likely fit the users'''' queries. The user may simply provide a web address or an electronic document as the "keypage", the proposed system will then try to locate the candidate webpages and then provide a matching degree for all the candidate pages. Some preliminary results have shown that this system can greatly help users in finding their desired information in a more effective fashion. The proposed system integrates techniques such as Fuzzy theory, SimNet, Parallel Processing and Three-Tier architecture.


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