  • 學位論文


A Study on the Supplier Management Indices of Taiwan''s Notebook Industry

指導教授 : 江行全 博士


本研究主要探討台灣筆記型電腦產業,在目前顧客需求、整體經濟環境 與同業日益激烈競爭情況下,關於供應商管理指標有哪些指標是影響競 爭力的關鍵要素,而這些競爭力關鍵要素即是本研究所欲建立之供應商 管理指標,本研究擬以所建構之供應商管理指標,以標竿學習之方法, 提升供應商管理之績效,繼而提升本身之競爭力。 研究方法主要是採用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process , AHP) 配合標竿學習。首先參考有關供應商管理之相關文獻與專家學者建議, 設計第一份問卷,問卷內容涵蓋國內、國外以及主要零組件供應商。並 以第一份問卷之分析結果,針對筆記型電腦業者所重視之各項因素建構 各細項指標,然後將這些細項指標予以層級化。完成層級化後,設計第 二份問卷,針對各項層級之細項指標給予相對權重值。權重值乃以第二 份問卷請筆記型電腦業者做成對比較評估,經運算與一致性檢定後得到 。同時第一份問卷中,各廠商也針對不同指標提出各種不同的措施,以 及未來預定採取的措施,作為各廠商標竿學習的方法。 二份問卷分析結果顯示,筆記型電腦業者不論國內外供應商,對於其表 現評估最為重視。而在表現評估各項指標中,最為重視價格成本。至於 主要零組件,重視的指標依序前三項為品質、價格與交貨準時度。從結 果也反應出,由於部份筆記型電腦零組件,完全仰賴國外供應,因此筆 記型電腦業者對於國內供應商管理極為強勢,至於國外與主要零組件供 應商之管理則處於較弱勢之地位。


The purpose of this study is to construct a hierarchical structure containing indices will make notebook company have a better supplier management performance and increase competition. In a highly competitive environment, whether supplier management is good or not will affect company''s logistics work. With proposing the indices, notebook company can use them to improve their supplier''s performance and company''s competition. This thesis mainly used analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and benchmarking method. Reviewed articles related to supplier management and benchmarking first, and discussed with experts and scholars to propose indices and design two questionnaires. The first questionnaire was used to determine how important of each index is and the supplier''s performance of each notebook company. The first questionnaire contains three kinds of suppliers who are domestic suppliers, oversea suppliers and key-component suppliers. The second questionnaire used pairwise comparison method to determine the weight of each index. In the first questionnaire we also asked notebook companies to propose their unique supplier management way of each index to benchmark. These two questionnaires showed that the notebook companies consider the supplier''s performance as the most important index for both domestic and oversea suppliers. And the cost is the most important about supplier''s performance. The first three indices considered to their importance are quality, cost and on time delivery respectively. Owing to some parts and components are supplied by oversea and key-component suppliers, the results also showed that notebook companies were in a stronger status to manage domestic suppliers, and in a weaker status to manage oversea and key component suppliers.


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