  • 學位論文

新制醫院評鑑與住院病人滿意度相關性之研究 -以桃園某地區教學醫院為例

The effect of accreditation of the hospital on the satisfaction of inpatients -Example of a reginal hospital in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 鄭雅穗


在這個資訊快速傳撥的時代,民眾醫療消費主權意識不斷抬頭,逐漸以客觀蒐集之醫療資訊與主觀意識來選擇醫療院所,醫院經營受到相當大之衝擊,醫療服務品質日益受到重視。自1978年教育部與衛生署共同舉辦第一次之教學醫院評鑑迄今,醫院評鑑制度已成為評核醫院品質最具公信力之方式與依據。醫院評鑑不但提升醫院對品質之重視,同時評鑑結果更成為醫院經營之「榮譽象徵」,醫院經營者於致力符合評鑑基準要求,但提升醫療品質之際,應更致力於明瞭病人的需求是否滿足,針對病人對服務項目需求,來確定醫院進行品質改善之優先順序。 個案醫院於2006年通過新制醫院評鑑,本研究以該醫院之住院病人為研究對象,進行評鑑前後各一年,2005年度與2007年之住院病人之滿意度調查,分析住院病人滿意度問卷調查結果,探討新制醫院評鑑前後,住院病人滿意度之人口統計變項變化、影響民眾對醫療服務項目滿意度之差異及變化趨勢。 在本次研究中可以發現,評鑑後醫療服項目之平均滿意度皆有提升,以工作人員服務態度提升最多,其次之排序分別為行政效率、病房環境設備方面、醫療過程與服務結果。醫療服務品質中,醫療專業和良好的醫病互動,病人與家屬最重視。非醫療行為品質,如醫事人員與行政人員服務態度、環境清潔、標示牌更新,民眾給予正面肯定,滿意度皆有所提升。醫院服務鏈環環相扣,所有部門順暢完整之連結,方能持續滿足病人的期望,重視經營管理績效的規劃與執行,方能讓醫院在評鑑所帶來榮耀的光環後,享受實質的利益,讓醫院永續經營。


The generation of high-speed information raises the awareness of people’s consume. Hospital seeking depends on the collection of medical information and self awareness. Therefore, the quality of medical service is becoming important. The first accreditation of the teaching hospital was held by The Ministry of Education and The Department of Health in 1978. The system of hospital accreditation has become the most influential way to evaluate the hospital. The quality of service is enhanced by the system of the hospital accreditation, and the result becomes the honor symbol for the hospital. The managing departmen should pay more attention to realize if the patient is satisfied while promoting the quality of the medical service. The patients who stayed in the hospital have been enrolled in the study for one year. The study investigated the satisfaction of inpatient service in 2005 and 2007, analyzed the result of questionnaires of inpatients’ satisfaction, discussed the changes before and after the new system of the hospital accreditation held, the change of statistics of inpatients’ satisfaction, and the difference in the satisfaction of medical service items and finally, the changing tendency after the new accreditation of hospital in 2006. Our study found that the average satisfaction of medical service item after the accreditation is raising . The staff’s quality progress mostly, followed by the efficiency, equipments and environment, medical procedures and services. Mostly the patients and the families concern the interaction between doctors and patients. The quality of paramedical performance, for instance, the nurses and the attitude of workers, environmental cleaning, and updating signs is positively and identified. Patient-centered service is eventually the patient’s highest expectation. The hospital will run smoothly because of the honor and the real benefit brought immediately after the accreditation.


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