  • 學位論文


Labor Relation Issues in Post-Merger Integration

指導教授 : 李弘暉


民國八十一年我國開放民營銀行設立之後,大量私人的銀行成立,造成銀行家數過多(Overbanking)現象,近年來加上金融產業國際化及自由化,使台灣金融業經營更加備感艱辛,相較於其他先進國家,我國金融機構規模顯趨分散,且同質性高,在面臨國際大型優質金融機構之競爭壓力,明顯缺乏競爭利基,而金融合併確為擴展規模的可行途徑。 近年來在政府金融改革的政策下,金融產業積極尋找合併對象,不只比合併規模,還要比速度,唯恐合併速度稍慢不僅喪失市場先機,還可能影響排名順位,而在金融業合併案中可以發現,大部份金融業者尋求合併目標時多只注重財務面及策略面,而人事的問題總是在決定合併後才開始考量。企業如何基於前車之鑑,有效地進行人力整合及避免可能發生的勞資關係問題,似乎是一個很值得研究的課題。 本研究採用文獻探討法、訪談法及個案分析,探討現今金融合併後之勞資關係議題,研究結論如下: 一、企業併購勞資爭議及人員流失的原因,主要為勞資雙方溝通不良所致。 二、企業併購勞資爭議主要內容為退職員工權益之爭議及未留任認定時點之爭議。 三、個案公司的勞資爭議處理方式為企業外處理勞資爭議之方式。


Banks in Taiwan has been suffering overbanking as a result of excessive chartering of news entrants since the deregulation of local financial sector in 1992, and the recent trend of globalization and liberalization further add to pressure on them. A cross-sectional comparison with the banking sectors in developed countries shows that banks in Taiwan tend to have suboptimal business scale and lack diversity, two major limiting factors on their competitiveness against multinational financial institutions which can be remedied with well-planned consolidations. In the recent years a new wave of consolidations among financial institutions has been spurred by Taiwan Government’s policy initiatives and further heightened and expedited by a war for domination among market leaders. A study into selected cases shows that financial and strategic considerations tend to dictate acquisition decisions and few acquirers have well-established plans for labor relation issues before the decision is made. An exploration further into the origin and nature of these issues would help identify key factors for an effective prevention and mitigation of post-integration labor disputes. This study investigates post-integration labor relations issues observed in selected cases of bank mergers in Taiwan through literature analysis and interviews, and arrives at the following conclusions: 1.Communication failures is the most common cause for post-merger labor disputes and talent losses 2.Dispute over severance pay, benefits and cutoff dates is the most common type of post-merger labor disputes. 3.Surveyed institutions tend to resort to external means of settling disputes.


40.鄭津津,(民87),「我國勞資爭議處理法則之問題與解決方向」,勞資關係月刋 ,17(7):頁18-32。
