  • 學位論文

應用精實生產管理模式於 SMT 備料作業-以 G 公司為例

Applying Lean Production to SMT Material Preparation Operations – A Case Study of G Company

指導教授 : 蔡啟揚


台灣產業面對全球化競爭下產品生命週期縮短、多樣少量、快速交貨…等各式 的壓力下,精實生產(Lean Production)近期到受到許多製造業的重視成為一項 重要的管理議題,許多企業莫不希望藉由精實生產的實施或導入,期望發掘出和 改善傳統生產的盲點,消除流程中的浪費,減少不必要的投入,以強化整體供應 鏈的能力,達到縮短在製時間、減少搬運、省人化、排除浪費、改善品質、降低 成本與縮短交期、降低產品成本、提升客戶滿意…等各種能夠協助企業增強競爭 力的目標。本研究嘗試深入探討精實倉庫 SMT 備料管理模式及不同產業欲應用精 實管理備料模式機制。本研究運用精實思考法原型並加以修正為精實備料導入模 式,包含推行前置活動、定義價值、確認價值溪流圖、暢流、後拉式生產、完善 等六大改善及執行步驟內容,並以某汽車導航業者為例,驗證本研究所整合規劃 出的精實 SMT 備料機制導入步驟模式,最後確認改善效益成果顯著。本研究目的 在對於導航製造廠於 SMT 備料作業時,提供具體可行的建議,使業者易於掌控其 關鍵成功因素以達事半功倍之效益。同時高階主管對備料作業給予高度重視及必 要協助。本文貢獻是能提供導航製造業者經營者在資源有限前提下,做最有效的 資源配置與投入時程,以增加備料作業的成效。


With the development of globalization, Taiwan industry faces the pressure of shortened product life cycle, make-to-order production, fast delivery, and so on. Lean production has drawn much attention of manufacturing industries and has become an important management subject. Many nterprises are hoping that,with the implementation of lean production, problems can be sought out and solved, wastes during processes can be eliminated, and unnecessary inputs can be reduced. Thus, the whole supply chain can be strengthened and enterprise compatibility can be improved by cutting process time, reducing movement and personnel, eliminating waste, improving quality, lowering costs, shortening due date, improve customer satisfaction… etc. This study attempts to study SMT material preparation management system under lean production and how enterprises adopt lean production on material preparation management. This research applies lean thinking and develops lean material preparation management system. The process includes six phases of improvement, namely, pre-implementation campaign, value definition, affirming value stream mapping, smoothing the flow, pull process and completion. An auto guidance system company is selected as the subject for the evaluation of the implementation of the proposed system and remarkable improvement on system performance is observed. The goal of this research is to provide plausible suggestions to guidance system firms on SMT material preparation operations such that firms are able to grasp key success factors. The contribution of this research is to help guidance system firms on efficient resource allocation and improve material preparation operations under limited resources.


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