  • 學位論文


Visitors’ Motivation, Experience, and Satisfaction of Homestay Accommodation – the Example of Nanzhuang Y Homestay

指導教授 : 廖淑伶


近年來觀光熱潮持續成長趨勢之下,民宿業不斷成長。國人旅遊方式漸漸由觀光形式轉為自然體驗,使得民宿經營方式出現改變:民宿業者開始注重住宿環境與設施,以及提升住宿品質,更提供多樣化服務如生態導覽、文化特色體驗、當地農產品特賣等。民宿的住宿環境也開始給人不再是品質低落的印象,而是在於給予住宿的遊客有價值的體驗。 現今民宿已是一種非常普遍的旅遊住宿型式。民宿業者要思考如何吸引遊客在眾多的住宿商品中做出選擇,如何與其他民宿業者做市場競爭。在面對遊客的多重化選擇後,能否了解遊客選擇住宿的動機,進而了解遊客住宿體驗後的感受,是否能滿足遊客的起始需求而達到滿意的效果,並藉由滿意度再了解其是否有達到遊客的真正需求,進而改善其設施與服務品質,以吸引更多客源。 本研究以苗栗南庄地區民宿投宿過的遊客為研究對象,探討遊客的住宿動機、住宿體驗與滿意度之影響。本研究採立意抽樣進行問卷發放,共計發放問卷300份,回收有效問卷244份,有效問卷回收率為81.33%。本研究採用描述性統計分析、因素分析、信度分析、效度分析及結構方程模式分析,研究結果顯示:1.遊客對民宿之休閒紓壓動機越高,住宿體驗越好。2.遊客對民宿之社會需求動機越高,住宿體驗越好。3.遊客對民宿之地方特色動機越高,住宿體驗越好。4.遊客對民宿之民宿形象動機越高,住宿體驗越好。5.遊客對民宿之住宿體驗越好,滿意度越高。 本研究結果期望能提供南庄民宿業者參考,並能改善其經營缺失,使遊客更樂意前往南庄民宿住宿遊玩。亦即業者可考慮提供更紓壓及更滿足社交需求的環境及服務給遊客,同時營造更具地方特色及良好民宿形象的改變會使遊客擁有更好的住宿體驗,住宿滿意度也因此提高。


民宿 住宿動機 住宿體驗 滿意度


The homestay business is continuously growing as a result of fast development of tourism. However, the touring transition from plain sightseeing to nature or culture embracing has pushed traditional bed-and-breakfast homestays to transform. Homestays intend to provide not only more cozy accommodation but also localized programs and features such as eco-touring, cultural activities, and farm products. Homestays have gradually changed from imprints of frugality into expectation of value-adding. Nowadays homestays become more and more popular. The homestay owners should think how to attract tourists to choose homestays as their accommodation and how to compete with other homestay peers. Homestay owners need to understand the accommodation motivation of visitors and how visitors feel after experiencing overnight stay. By understanding the motivation and experiences of visitors, homestay owners should further ask whether or not visitors feel satisfied with the arrangement against their expectations. Visitors’ satisfaction will be used to evaluate the real needs of various visitors as to improve facilities and services of homestays and attract potential customers. This study adopted a field survey to understand homestay visitors’ motivation, experience, and satisfaction of homestay accommodation in Nanzhuang Miao-li area. 300 surveys were dispatched, 244 were collected and valid. The valid rate is 81.33%. The statistical analysis methods included item analysis, factor analysis, canonical correlation, and structural equation modeling SEM. The results found are as the following: (1)The stronger motivation of relaxing, the better feeling of accommodation experiences; (2)The stronger motivation of social interaction, the better feeling of accommodation experiences; (3)The stronger motivation of local characteristics touring, the better feeling of accommodation experiences; (4)The stronger motivation of homestay image touring, the better feeling of accommodation experiences; (5)The better feeling of accommodation experiences, the higher satisfaction of accommodation. This research is expected to assist homestay business in Nanzhuang area. Based on the results of this research, homestay owners might consider improving their environments and services for better need of relaxing and social interaction. Providing features of local characteristics and building up good image are also helpful for giving better accommodation experiences as to win better satisfactions of visitors.


