  • 學位論文


Ontological Knowledge Engine Driven Ubiquitous Web Service (UFIT) with HL7 based Health Data for Improving Physical Fitness

指導教授 : 蘇傳軍


健康體適能的檢測結果評估了一個人身體的5個體適能要素,分別為1)心肺耐力,2)肌肉耐力,3)柔軟度,4)肌力和5)身體組成。此5個要素的檢測結果視為評斷一個人身體健康狀況很重要的指標。一般來說,體適能的提升可以使得健康體適能也相對提升,而且也可以使人們的身體不容易產生常見的疾病。一個個人化的運動計畫可以使得5個健康體適能要素分別達到平衡的狀態,並且進一步地使人們維持身體的健康。除此之外,不適合的運動型態可能會使得健康體適能導致反向效果,亦即可能造成運動傷害。 本論文目的為發展一個ontology driven的knowledge-based system (UFIT),以產生一個根據使用者profile、健康檢查結果和體適能檢測結果特別設計的運動計畫。此由系統產生的運動計畫可以經由任何有網路設備的裝置,透過Representational State Transfer (REST) web service技術加以獲得。為了使得此運動計畫具有實質效益,在系統中,用於推論的知識將與專業運動管理師諮詢過後所取得。此系統不僅可以視為一個透過產生運動計畫加以輔助人們提升體適能之智慧型系統,而且也可以作為一個UFIT service,以避免人們選擇不適當運動造成運動傷害。


The measures of health-related physical fitness provide assessment to five fitness components for a person: 1) cardiovascular endurance, 2) muscular endurance, 3) flexibility, 4) muscular strength, and 5) body composition. These measures serve as an important indicator for the health state of the person. The improvement of physical fitness generally leads to positive health-related physical fitness and makes the body less prone to common diseases. A personalized exercise plan that aids a balanced level of achievement in each of these fitness components is essential for an individual to maintain a healthy body. Nevertheless, inappropriate forms of exercise could lead to negative effects in terms of health-related physical fitness. This research aims to develop an ontology driven knowledge-based system for generating specifically designed exercise plan in accordance with user profile and user’s test data that involves Health Level Seven International (HL7)-based data of physical fitness and health screening. The generated plan can be accessed by using any Internet-enabled device through the paradigm of RESTful web service. In order to generate an exercise plan which is customized as well as pragmatic, the encapsulated knowledge used for inference in the system is acquired from the domain professionals. The system developed can serve not only as an intelligent system for improving physical fitness through generating personalized exercise plans but also as an UFIT for avoiding inappropriate work outs.


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