  • 學位論文

使用Google Adwords之效益分析-以某工業電腦廠商為例

The Effectiveness Analysis of Using Google Adwords - A Case study of the Industrial PC Company

指導教授 : 盧以詮


近年來網際網路科技蓬勃發展,已完全改變資訊傳遞模式,亦使網路廣告模式呈現多元的局面。如今,關鍵字廣告模式已廣泛的被接受與採用,根據最新的研究調查顯示Google的搜尋量佔美國搜尋市場的的6成以上,而Google的關鍵字廣告收入則佔大部分Google的營收,足見Google的關鍵字廣告目前仍是廣告主優先採用的一項行銷工具。關鍵字廣告優勢在於其具有針對性,可以依據產品特性、特定客戶喜好擬定適合的廣告文案,來達到吸引目標客戶的目的。而本研究以工業電腦廠商為研究對象,工業電腦產業少量多樣、客製化的等產品特性,正適合以Google關鍵字鍵廣告來達到廣告行銷的最大效益。本研究主要探討工業電腦廠商使用Google AdWords後之廣告效益,以8項較能評估研究對象目前運用Google關鍵字廣告績效的指標,試圖以實際分析結果之數據做歸納並提出建議。本研究發現Google關鍵字廣告除了對於帶來新訪客有一定的幫助外,廣告預算的投入增加並不足以提升廣告績效,廣告文案的操作設定才是影響廣告效益的一項重要關鍵,因此使用該關鍵字工具的企業有必要培訓這方面的專業人員,了解如何適時調整廣告設定,以發揮關鍵字廣告的最大效益。


Internet technology has been changed the data transmit mode in recent years, not only made the Internet advertising model available but also present diverse situation. Today, the keyword advertising model has been widely accepted and used. According to the latest research shows that Google's search accounted is already shared 60% in the U.S. and Google's keyword advertising revenues accounted for most of Google's revenue. Therefore, Google's keyword advertising is still the main priority for advertisers. The advantage of Keyword ads is it’s targeted and focused which can be based on product features, developed for specific customer preferences, advertising proposals, to achieve the target customers. In this study, the industrial computer manufacturers are the research object, who included a small amount of the industrial computer industry diverse, customized products features. This is the key to Google keyword ads to reach the maximum effectiveness of advertising and marketing. This study focuses on the effectiveness after industrial computer manufacturers using Google AdWords ads, and using eight performance indicators to evaluate the performance of Google keyword Ads. We are trying to do the actual analysis of the data summarized and recommendations. The study found that Google keyword Ads can bring new visitors, but it can’t raise the advertisement performance if we put more advertising budget. The advertising key word setting is the important key to impact of the advertisements. Therefore, the use of the Keyword tool companies need to train professionals in this area, learn how to adjust ad set to play the maximum effectiveness of keyword advertising to get the maximum performance.


[1] Google-Adwords.com (2010)。《為何投入網路行銷/了解如何使用Google關鍵字廣告》。上網日期:2010年10月29日,取自:http://jaylee0729.pixnet.net/blog/post/25752011。
[5]IThome (2010年9月)。《市場研究:Bing搜尋市佔率持續成長,Yahoo下滑》。上網日期:2010年9月15日,取自:http://www.ithome.com.tw/itadm/article.php?c=59976。
