  • 學位論文


A Study On The Development And Service Model Of Compulsory Education Advisory Group ? Take Taoyuan County for Instance

指導教授 : 湯玲郎


本論文旨在探討國民教育輔導團之服務模式與發展,從願景、發展目標及使命檢視國教輔導團現行組織運作,進而修正國教輔導團服務模式與發展策略,提升組織效能及服務品質。 桃園縣國民教育輔導團依據「教育部國民中小學九年一貫課程綱要」、「教育部補助辦理精進教學要點」、「教育部直轄市及縣(市)國民教育輔導團組織及運作參考原則」,訂定「桃園縣國民教育輔導團實施要點」,設置與運作具有明確的任務編組及責任分工,對於團員的遴選、聘任與培訓,計畫周全且過程公平公正,且能給予輔導員合理減課節數及年度服務成效獎勵。 本研究以桃園縣國民教育輔導團為研究對象,透過文獻探討、個案研究與問卷調查的方式,深入分析目前團務運作與發展現況、適時修正組織架構與服務模式,並提出改善策略與建議,以強化組織之運作與團員專業能力。 綜合文獻探討與問卷調查的結果,釐清國教輔導團的使命、核心價值與願景領導(visionary leadership),資源導入與整備,整合規劃及管控,激勵學習與成長,提供專業的服務,成果分享與交流,且在服務過程中進行成效檢核並持續改善,發展具有回饋機制之服務模式,強化服務品質與效能,協助教師專業成長、轉化課程與教學政策,輔導學校課程發展與實踐,提升學生學習成效,落實精進教學、活化課程;研究實踐、教育領航之教育政策。 本研究尚未深入調查團員及本縣教師對國教輔導團服務模式的認知與反饋,將做為後續研究之建議。


This paper aims to explore the development of Compulsory Education Advisory Group and its service model, in which the current operations of the compulsory education advisory group, from its vision, development goals, and mission, was examed. And then the service model and development strategy of the Compulsory Education Advisory Group was corrected in order to enhance the organizational efficiency and its service quality. Compulsory Education Advisory Group of Taoyuan County, based on “Elementary and Junior High School 9-year curriculum outline by Ministry of Education”, “Key points of subsidy for improving teaching by Ministry of Education ”, and “Organization and Reference principles for Municipal and County Compulsory Education Advisory Group of Ministry of Education”, establishing “Key points for implementation of the Compulsory Education Advisory Group of Taoyuan County”, in order to provide setting and operational guidelines for a clear mandate and responsibilities, which include member selection, appointment and training, comprehensive plans, transparent process with equal opportunity are required. Incentives for mandators, such as reasonable number of lesson reduction and reward for annual service, should be included. This study uses the Compulsory Education Advisory Group of Taoyuan County as subjects and study the subject through literature review, cases study and questionnaire. This study provides in-depth analysis on the current organization’s operation and current development status, and timely amend the organizational structure and its service model. It also offer improvement strategies and recommendations to strengthen the organization's operation and members’ expertise. Based on literature review and survey results to clarify the mission, core values and visionary leadership, resources incorporation and preparation, integration of planning and control, encouragement of learning and growth, to provide professional services, to share results and communicate of the Compulsory Education Advisory Group. It also examine the service effectiveness during service process and provide continuous improvement, to develop service models with feedback mechanism, to strengthen service quality and performance, to assist teachers in professional development, to transform curriculum and teaching policies, to counsel and assist curriculum development and practice, to enhance student learning efficiency, to implement quality learning and active curriculum; and to research and practice leading educational policy. This study has not thoroughly investigated the cognitive and feedback of the Compulsory Education Advisory Group from its members and the county teachers. These are subjects of follow-up study.


