  • 學位論文


The study of Application of Hierarchical linear model to The Achievements of Promoting E-learning by The Police

指導教授 : 曾淑芬


當今社會裡科技日新月益、資訊爆炸性的擴散,學習不再侷限於教室與課本,藉由資訊網絡發展,數位學習能夠達到即時、快速、大量及彈性化的需求,又能降低訓練的成本,協助組織內部人員的職涯發展,增加學習管道,促進個人與組織整體效能的提升。研讀許多學者的研究,大部分只探討單一階層的數位學習成效研究,較少同時跨階層探討第二階層的組織方面是否對個人階層有調節影響效果。於是,激起研究者的興趣,希透過階層線性分析去研究探討組織與個人之間的影響與關係。本研究於是先由個體層面去探討警察人員學習者的電腦自我效能與資訊素養對於參與數位學習成效的影響;其次,在組織層面去探討警察機關的組織策略、組織文化對於參與數位學習成效的影響;最後運用HLM階層線性模式探討警察人員個體層次、組織層次與發展數位學習三者間跨層級之調節效果。 本研究完成各項分析後,發現在個人層面,警察學習者的資訊素養、電腦自我效能方面越高,參與數位學習的成效會越高;參與問卷之警察人員,在個人背景變項方面,僅有最高學歷變項對於參與數位學習成效呈現負相關,餘均無顯著相關存在。其次,多元逐步迴歸分析發現,以資訊素養、電腦自我效能、最高學歷為非官警兩校、年齡20-40歲為自變項,可以預測其參與數位學習成效的結果。在組織層面,各警察機關的組織策略、組織文化是可以有效預測數位學習成效的變項。但是,在進行階層線性模型分析時,發現組織階層的組織策略、組織文化對於個人階層的數位學習成效的調節效果並不顯著,警察參與數位學習的成效是受到個人階層的資訊素養與電腦自我效能的影響,跨層次的效應並不顯著,沒有產生明顯的調節影響效果。


The technology is progressing every day, the proliferation of information as an explosion, learning is no longer confined to the classroom and textbooks in today's society. With the development of information networks, elearning can achieve real time, rapid, extensive and flexible demand, reduce the cost of training, and assisting the organizations internal staff career development, to increase the channels of learning, to promote to enhance the individual and the organization's overall performance. After studying the research of many scholars, I found that most of the studies of the single level of elearning outcomes, and rarely cross-section to investigate the organization of the second level of individual sectors of the adjustment effect. So aroused the interest of my research, I want to study the impact and the relationship between organizations and individuals through the hierarchical linear analysis. In this study, after the completion of the analysis at the individual level, found that police information literacy and computer self-efficacy, both performance will affect the participation of the effectiveness of elearning. The survey results found that police officers personal background variables, only the highest level of education is changed to the effectiveness of participating in elearning, and the remaining variables are no significant association. Second, multiple stepwise regression analysis was found that information literacy, computer self-efficacy, highest degree of non-police academy graduation, the age of 20-40 years old ,to participate as independent variables, can predict the effectiveness of elearning effect. At the organizational level, organizational strategy and organizational culture of the police can effectively predict the effectiveness of learning variables. But during the analysis of hierarchical linear model, the organizational hierarchy of the organizational strategy and organizational culture elearning effectiveness of the moderating effect of the individual class is not significant.




