  • 學位論文


Knowledge, Attitude, and Life about Sexuality in Male Patients with Myocardial Infarction DuringRecovery Period

指導教授 : 金繼春


本研究採敘述性相關性研究法,以結構式問卷進行橫斷性調查,探討心肌梗塞恢復期男性患者的性知識、性態度與性生活,以及性知識與性態度間之相關性,並進一步探討影響性知識與性態度之因素。以立意取樣的方式在兩家醫學中心和兩家區域醫院,接觸108位心肌梗塞後6週至6個月之男性個案,92人完成問卷。有效樣本平均年齡為55.03歲,教育程度以國高中為最多,多數個案為初次心肌梗塞,心肌梗塞等級KillipⅠ,無合併症。研究工具為三份結構式問卷,包括個人屬性問卷、性知識量表( KR-20= .73 )以及性態度量表( Cronbach's α=.88 )。研究資料以SPSS for Windows 10.0版統計套裝軟體進行建檔及資料譯碼。 本研究結果發現:(1)多數個案於梗塞後第一個月內恢復性交,但性生活次數減少,性生活中仍伴隨不適症狀,以及性交姿位改變。個案與伴侶面對性時均產生負向心理,梗塞後性生活滿意度降低。(2)個案性知識得分偏低,平均得分10.49 ± 3.95(範圍2-20,滿分20分)。(3)個案性態度得分中等,平均得分65.82 ± 10.16(範圍41-89,滿分100分)。(4)性知識與性態度間呈顯著正相關(r=.472, p<.001)。(5)個案性知識的顯著預測因子為教育程度,可解釋性知識總變異數之8.2%。(6)個案性態度的顯著預測因子,為教育程度、性知識、梗塞後性生活滿意度、伴侶的顧慮以及接受冠狀動脈擴張術,可解釋性態度總變異數之47.6%。本研究結果可供醫護人員瞭解患者的性知識、性態度與性生活現況,性知識與性態度的影響因子,作為臨床梗塞患者性衛教與學校疾病性衛教課程的參考。未來研究可以介入性措施改善患者之性知識與性態度,以提升其性生活品質。


心肌梗塞 性知識 性態度 性生活


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship among sexual knowledge, attitude, and sexual life in male myocardial infarction (MI) patients during the recovery period and to analyze what factors may affect such knowledge and attitude. The study used a descriptive correlation design, with interviews and structured questionnaires used for data collection. One hundred and eight MI patients from four hospitals were contacted and 92 subjects completed the questionnaires. The mean age of the subjects was 55.3 years. Most had high school educational level and had suffered a single MI (KillipⅠ) with no complications. Three structured questionnaires including the Demographic Inventory, Sexual Knowledge Scale (KR-20 = .73), and Sexual Attitude Scale (Cronbach's α = .88) were used. The findings included: (1) Most of the subjects resumed sexual intercourse in the first month following MI, but the frequency of sexual intercourse declined. Some subjects still reported discomfort during sexual intercourse and that their sexual positions had changed. Some subjects and partners reported negative emotion associated with sexual activity and a decrease in the level of sexual satisfaction. (2) The mean score of sexual knowledge was 10.49 (SD=3.95, range 2-20). (3) The mean score of sexual attitude was 65.82 (SD=10.16, range 41-89). (4) Sexual knowledge and attitude was positively associated (r=.472, p<.001). (5) A significant predicator of subjects’ sexual knowledge was educational level, which accounted for 8.2% of the variance. (6) Significant predicators of subjects’ sexual attitude were educational level, sexual knowledge, level of sexual satisfaction after MI, partners’ concern, and accepted percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty which accounted for 47.6% of the variance. From the results we confirm that changes in sexual life occur in male MI patients during the recovery period. The results could be a reference for instructing MI patients on their sexual lives and for teaching sexual consultation to student nurses. Furthermore, we may take some actual actions in the future to improve the quality of patients’ sexual lives.


