  • 學位論文


The Influences of Medical Personnel' Patient Safety Culture on Work-life Balance: The Moderating Effect of Resilience

指導教授 : 高浩雲


目的 醫療院所中,醫事人員約佔全院員工人數比率達80%以上,且為持續提供專業醫療服務,普遍採取輪班制,工作時間長且常有加班情形,以維持醫療作業,易導致工作疲勞,當疲勞無法獲得舒緩即形成過勞。工作與生活像是天秤的兩端,當一端壓力過大,就會失去平衡;當醫事人員無法兼顧工作、家庭與個人生活,將無法專注投入工作,影響其工作表現及生產力,恐對於病人照護產生負面衝擊。本研究欲探討醫事人員於病人安全文化、復原力及工作平衡之關係。 研究方法 本研究採用問卷調查法,運用醫策會發展之新版病人安全態度問卷(New-Safety Attitudes Questionnaire, New-SAQ)進行調查,以某醫學中心醫事人員為研究參與者,有效問卷為2,456份,並以階層迴歸分析(Hierarchical Regression)驗證本研究假設。 研究結果 病人安全文化中「對工作的滿意」、「對管理的感受」、「工作狀況」均對於工作生活平衡具有顯著之正向預測效果;病人安全文化中「單位安全風氣」、「對壓力的認知」對於工作生活平衡具有顯著之負向預測效果;病人安全文化與復原力之交互作用項對於工作生活平衡不具有顯著影響,比較主要效果,「復原力」對於工作生活平衡具有顯著正向影響。


Objectives In medical institutions, medical personnel account for more than 80% of the total number of hospital staff, in order to provide continuous professional medical services, shift system is generally adopted, working long hours and often overtime to maintain medical operations, which will easily lead to work fatigue, and overwork. Work and life are like two ends of the scale. When there is too much pressure on one end, there is out of balance. When medical personnel are unable to combine work, family and personal life, they will be unable to concentrate on their work, affecting their work performance and productivity, which may have a negative impact on patient care. The objectives of this study was to investigate the relationship between medical personnel patient safety culture, resilience and work-life balance. Methods This study adopted the Questionnaire method and applied the New version of the Patient Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (NEW-SAQ) developed by the Joint Commission of Taiwan. The medical personnel of a medical center was taken as the study participants, and 2,456 effective questionnaires were Hierarchical Regression to verify the research hypothesis. Results In the patient safety culture, "Job Satisfaction", "Perceptions of Management" and "Working Conditions" all had significant positive predictive effect on work-life balance. In patient safety culture, "Safety Climate" and "Stress Recognition" had significant negative predictive effect on work-life balance. The interaction between patient safety culture and resilience had no significant effect on work-life balance, but the main effect was that "resilience" had a significant positive effect on work-life balance.  Conclusion The average score of patient safety culture and resilience did not affect each other, but both had significant effects on work-life balance. In particular, the impact of resilience was a highly significant positive effect. It is the primary task of the hospital to strengthen the construction of patient safety culture and the raise of resilience, so that medical personnel have the resilience to avoid work-life imbalance and maintain the safety of colleagues and patients together.


Safety Culture Resilience Work-life Balance


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