  • 學位論文


The Construction of Controversial Art Event News – A Case Study of The Rock Opera, "Dreamers"

指導教授 : 劉蕙苓


本研究以框架理論分析媒體如何建構《夢想家》事件與各報偏向,並探究各方消息來源在新聞文本上相互競爭之公共關係形態。研究問題為:一、《夢想家》新聞事件在媒體上呈現岀哪些框架?二、不同媒體在《夢想家》新聞事件上所呈現的新聞框架有何不同?三、不同媒體採用的消息來源框架有何不同?四、在各種消息來源框架的競爭過程中,何者是主要消息來源?其角色和立場為何? 研究結果發現:一、《夢想家》事件在媒體上偏向「衍生政治議題」框架,又以「選舉議題」為主。二、《聯合報》和《自由時報》皆以「衍生政治議題」與「聯結社會現象」為主要框架,《聯合報》對於該事件所衍生出的「討論文化議題」琢磨甚少,具負面的陳述性字語也偏以隱晦,政黨光譜較向執政黨,《自由時報》多以批判執政者為主軸,偏重報導兩黨在選舉議題上交鋒的狀態。《中國時報》和《蘋果日報》偏以「衍生政治議題」框架為主,《中國時報》投注較多心力於「討論文化議題」和「展演弊案疑雲」等相關議題,較重視文化面向,發展上也較為均衡,《蘋果日報》則著重於「討論文化議題」和「聯結社會現象」,關切《夢想家》事件本身引發之爭議點與其他社會事件的聯結。三、各報前三名主要消息來源大多為「民進黨」、「國民黨」、「其他藝文團隊�組織�人士」和「其他政府單位」等非《夢想家》事件的直接關係者,而主辦單位「文建會」僅只出現於《聯合報》之第三名,顯示出《聯合報》之組織立場偏向親近主事者,其他報紙大多由第三者所引導的議題內容,說明文建會在消息來源競爭中成為《夢想家》新聞的弱勢發言者。四、在《夢想家》新聞事件中「民進黨」成為主要界定議題者,主導議題角色多為「第三者」,並呈現「負面」立場。此事件雖因民進黨之故成功使《夢想家》藝文議題受媒體注目,卻也將之從文化議題中偏離為具負面意涵的政治性議題,蒙上藍綠鬥爭的陰影。


This paper uses frame analysis to study news papers’ reporting preferences and the competing between sources in order to discover the importance of public relation. The research questions are as follow: 1. How many kinds of frame were presented on Dreamers-related news? 2. How frames vary among different media 3. How source frames vary among different media 4. When competing, which is the main source frame? What role, and what position does it take? The research discovered that : 1. The main frame presented on media is 「The Deriving of Political Issue」- 44%, the subsidiary frame is 「Voting Issue」-28%. 2. 《United Daily News》and《The Liberty Times》 both focus heavily on 「The Deriving of Political Issue」 and 「Connecting Social Phenomena」. 《United Daily News》 pay little attention on 「Art and Cultural Issue」 and obscurely uses negative objective phrases when disagree. 《United Daily News》has a political tendency towards the ruling party.《The Liberty Times》emphasize on criticizing the government, focusing on election issues.《China Times》pays more attention on「Art and Cultural Issue」and「Suspicion of the Showcase Scandal」, which also has more balanced reports. 《Apple Daily》lay most of its weight on「Art and Cultural Issue」and「Connecting Social Phenomena」, concerning the controversial issues and its connections with《Dreamers》. 3. The top three sources of each media in this study are all indirect participants. The host 「Council of Cultural Affairs」only came out in 《United Daily News》as the third place. This reveals that most media didn’t use the direct participant, the host, as their source, meaning that the host loses home court advantage and become the disadvantaged when competing against other sources. 4.「Democratic Progressive Party」 participates most as the third party and holds a negative ground. Although 「Democratic Progressive Party」 successfully brings the controversial issue, 《Dreamers》, in the spotlight, it also derives the focus from art and cultural discussion to vicious political battle.




