  • 學位論文


A Study of the Role of Intermediaries Between Arts and Business Cooperation from the Perspective of Social Exchange Theory: Taking National Culture and Arts Foundation for Example

指導教授 : 陳錦誠


近年來,科技與網際網路的發達加速國際流通,使經濟、貿易、文化等方面皆出現全球化的現象,且變動速度越發迅捷,國際之間的競爭亦日趨激烈。面對外在環境的迅速變遷,臺灣的非營利文化藝術組織,同樣也須力求永續經營之道。如何尋求政府補助之外的更多資源,已成為其生存必要條件,而首先必須努力的目標,便是募集企業捐助或贊助。然而,企業乃以市場為導向,以追求最大利潤、保障股東權益為其目標;藝文組織則以使命為重,以創造社會價值、實現社會公益為其目標,兩者的價值觀念、溝通語彙存有極大差異,也因而突顯「中介者」存在之必要。 本研究認為,「藝企合作中介者」所扮演之重要角色,便是排解企業與藝術家或藝文團體之間的「社會交換」問題,這也是雙方能否建立合作關係的根本問題。「交換」是社會當中的普遍行為,每個人都想在交換中獲取最大利益,包括有形的、無形的回饋,都可能成為促進社會交換之誘因。本研究以「社會交換理論」為基礎架構,參照「藝企合作」相關文獻,歸納出在藝企合作的交換行為中,除了藝、企雙方自身具備或提供的交換條件以外,其間應至少存有「信任」、「社會溝通」、「社會共同價值」等中介因素,為雙方能否成功建立藝企合作關係、達成社會交換之關鍵。而在前述理論架構下,本研究以國家文化藝術基金會作為研究個案,探討其作為藝企合作中介者,是否有相對應的策略運用與實際作為。 研究結果發現,若就國藝會作為中介者,所設計的藝企合作媒合機制來分析,1996年發起的「文藝之友」、「文化藝術認同卡」僅為企業單向資源挹注;2003年發起的「國藝之友」讓企業透過藝文參與及消費進行贊助、「藝企合作專案」則與企業合作規劃執行補助計畫,企業轉而成為合作夥伴;2011年提出「藝文社會企業育成專案(藝集棒)」,更進一步將影響層面擴及企業員工,讓企業與國藝會成為共創價值的合作夥伴。其中,國藝會在文化藝術方面的專業形象,消弭資訊不對稱所帶來的不安全感,補足藝、企互動中所缺乏的「信任」,可增進雙方成功建立交換關係的機會,藉此加深雙方的互惠及交換模式。除此,並逐步增加「社會溝通」媒介以擴大溝通範圍,讓兩者透過認識與瞭解,漸漸相互認同、產生信任感。甚至,嘗試將影響層面擴及社會大眾,形塑「社會共同價值」,以期創造更多合作機會。從曾經參與國藝會藝企合作方案的企業主訪談紀錄,可以看到相當正面的回應。 何以「建立雙方信任」、「增強社會溝通」、「深化社會共同價值」,可提供作為藝企合作中介者制訂相關策略與機制之參考要素。


In recent years, the well-developed science and technology and internet-work accelerates the international circulation, and makes the phenomenon of globalization appear in economy, trade, culture and so on; and its fluctuation is faster and faster, the international competition becomes more drastic. Facing the rapid change of the external environment, the non-profit culture and arts organizations in Taiwan needs to strive for a way of sustainable operation as well. Thus, how to seek more resource besides the governmental subsidy becomes the necessary condition for survival thereof, and the target firstly striven is to raise the enterprise philanthropies or sponsorship. However, the enterprises take the market as the guiding, and take the goals of pursuing the maximum benefit and guaranteeing the stockholders' equity, which are taken as goal of the enterprises; the culture and arts organizations puts the mission first, and takes the goal of creating the social value and achieving the social welfare. The value concepts and communication vocabulary of both sides exist great difference, and highlight the necessary for existing of “intermediary” as well. This study realizes that “the intermediaries of art and business cooperation” acts the important role, which is to eliminate the problem of “social exchange” between the enterprises and the artists or culture and arts organizations that is the essential issue of whether the both sides can build the cooperative relationship. “Exchange” is the general behavior in society, and everyone wants to get the maximum benefit in it, including visible and invisible feedbacks, which can become the incentives of promoting the social exchange. This study takes the “social exchange theory” as infrastructure, refers to the pertinent literatures of “art and business cooperation”, then conduces the keys of whether the both sides can build up the relationship of art and business cooperation and achieve the social exchange in the exchange behaviors of art and business cooperation, except the exchange conditions provided or hold by both of culture and arts organizations and enterprises, at least, the mediating factors of “trust”, “social communication”, “social common value” and so on. Based on the previous theoretical framework, this study takes the National Culture and Arts Foundation (NCAF) as individual case to discuss as the intermediaries of art and business cooperation, whether it has the correspondent application of strategy and actual action. From the result, by analyzing the art and business cooperation mechanism designed by NCAF as intermediary, it finds that the “Friends of Culture and Art” and “Art Card credit card” started in 1996 are just the enterprises’ one-way resources support; “Friends of NCAF” launched in 2003 made the enterprises support by arts participation and consumption, “Art and Business Projects” cooperated and planned with the enterprises to carry on assistance program, thus the enterprises was changed to be cooperative partner; “Arts Up Project” proposed in 2011 further extended the influence to the employees of the enterprises, thus the enterprises and NCAF became the cooperative partner to create value together. In which, the professional image of NCAF in culture and arts eliminates the insecurity brought by asymmetric information, and complements the “trust” lacked between the interaction of culture and arts organizations and enterprises, and can enhance the opportunity for both sides to build up exchange relationship successfully, so as to deepen the reciprocal and exchange model of both sides. Moreover, it increases the medium of “social communication” step by step, and extends the scope of communication, so that they can agree with each other, and bring trust by acquaintance and learning, even, it tries to extend the influence to social public, shape the “social common value”, so as to expect to create more cooperation opportunities. From the interview of the entrepreneurs who have participated in the “Art and Business Projects” of NCAF, it can be leaned the positive response. How to “build the trust of each other”, “enhance social communication”, “deepen the social common values”, which can be provided as the reference factors for the intermediaries of art and business cooperation to formulate the correlative strategy and mechanism.


朱宗慶(2012)。創意美感之島的實踐基礎 ─文化創意人才培育。研考雙月刊,36(1),頁52-65。
