  • 學位論文

傳統生命 青春再飛揚─國中京劇基礎動作創意教學的實踐與反思

Traditional Arts Re-perform ― A Case Study of Teaching Chinese Opera Movement Creatively in Junior High School

指導教授 : 林劭仁 張中煖


本研究採行動研究法,以傳承京劇基礎動作為目的,創意教學為手段,經典作品《三岔口》為媒介,分別從「京劇知識學習」、「京劇動作練習與創意發想」、「《三『剎』口》」小品創作呈現」,探討創意教學運用於國中階段七年級學生京劇基礎動作教學之課程設計。透過文獻蒐集梳理京劇教育脈絡與創意教學內涵,以作為教學策略之基礎,在創意教學中秉持傳統動作教學特色,涵養人文藝術,端正動作工架,提升身體覺知以及美感的情意表現,進而對京劇表演藝術有更深層的認知與體會。 本研究結論如下: 一、京劇單元應該成為國中表演藝術必學課程 傳統文化藝術應為國民教育重要的一環,具有引導價值判斷、修養氣質與啟發美感經驗的功能,並且京劇的動作教育能促進青少年身心良性成長,因此,應為國中階段必學課程。 二、傳統京劇基礎動作運用創意教學確實可行 傳統京劇動作固有的精神與風格,形塑出極為細緻的表演特徵,藉由創意教學的引導始能轉化抽象的概念再予以具體的表現,並能在秉持動作特徵的前提下引發京劇表演的創新可能。 三、透過傳統京劇經典作品可引發具體學習成效 傳統京劇經典作品《三岔口》內容豐富,經由欣賞能提升美感經驗,再通過講述、示範、活動、練習、創作等學習進程,擴展動作發展的創意表現能力,並能活絡學習氛圍、提升動作練習效率,以達到具體的學習成效。 最後,並從國中京劇課程、國中京劇教學教師以及推動京劇傳承相關單位提出建議。


The study adapted the action research. The main purpose of this study is to pass on the basic Chinese opera movement through creative teaching in order to explore the possibility of the Chinese opera elements as learning materials for young people today. The researcher designed the curriculum to empower 7th grade students’ abilities in the Chinese opera movement practice and knowledge understanding, and to facilitate students to respond to the traditional episode “San Cha Kou” in their own way. In addition to teaching, observing and getting feedback from the students, the study attempted to list systematically the teaching context of the Chinese opera and the connotation of the creative teaching through the collecting of the documents to be the basic of the teaching strategy. By doing so, it upheld the feature of the traditional teaching of the Chinese opera, along with cultivating students a deeper experience of arts and humanities, and improving their physical sensation and emotional expression of the beauty for the Chinese opera movement performance. The results of the study are revealed as below: 1. Under the guiding of the creative teaching, the junior high students showed their physical ability of learning Chinese opera movements. They could be highly focused and devoted themselves to the movement practice and creative performance. 2. The content of the traditional Chinese opera classic work “San Cha Kou” could be demonstrated and created to enhance the learning interest and the efficiency of movement practice. 3. Even though the creative teaching was applied, the junior high students were still able to substantially perform the basic movements of the Chinese opera, grasp the spirit of the movements, develop a short work and further to share their thoughts as well as to give very positive learning feedback.


