  • 學位論文


The culture of compound livelihoods in Jianshanhu

指導教授 : 林承緯


尖山湖是處盆地,週遭環繞著大屯山系與一座尖山,所在位置被劃在新北市石門區內。以此區來說,屬於臺灣本島最北的鄉鎮。實際觀察此盆地上作物,明白尖山湖的其中一類生業為栽植,從事者(主要報導人們)主屋都坐落在盆地內或週遭。在機械類載運工具,例如機車、貨車等尚未普及當地時,他們最常用步行方式到種植地。在那時,山間小路相當發達,是獲取外地資源、知識時重要管道。實際與主要報導人們對談,瞭解他們曾從事過生業相當多樣,大部分也被他們直系血親上一代(原生父母)從事,甚至自小讓子女們(主要報導人們)有機會接觸執行工作事項時所需工具、知識與技能。除此之外,運用當地自然資源的能力,同樣來自此管道,當市場有需求時,將成為複合生業中一環。 至今,主要報導人們生活在尖山湖已有70年以上,在從事眾項生業時,屬栽植類生業被他們幾近每年接觸,即使到2014年、2015年,有些主要報導人已未耕作水稻,他們仍以種植、販賣其他作物,換取日常所需,相對他們直系上一代,也有類似情形,而直系下一代,多已在外地從事他業,且此些生業,已和栽植類生業無關居多。尖山湖,在主要報導人們此一世代與他們直系血親上一代,還常因從事栽植、採集、捕捉類生業組成互助團體。隨著生業項目不同,有不同運作模式,例如以勞力為主要交換條件。到了主要報導人們的直系血親下一代,已無此現象。在主要報導人們此一世代,尚經歷過少以機械類器具輔助工作事項的時期,當此些工具加入後,所操作方法尚遵循著直系上一代所傳授的智慧,可惜到他們的直系下一代時,有些已經消逝。


尖山湖 生業 生計 梯田 埒仔田 (loa̍h-á-tshân)


Jianshanhu is basin area, which is bounded by Datun Mountain Ridge and one mountain peak. It's located at Shimen, the northernmost township in Taiwan. Through a closer observation on the crop of this basin, it is clearly that one of the main livelihood is planting. Houses of Planters (main interviewees) are situated in or on the perimeter of the basin. Regarding to the means of transportation, prior to motorcycles and trucks, people here walk their way up to planting site. During this time of year, the mountain trails, which had been well developed, are the important channel for receiving resources and knowledge from outside of the world. The conversation with the interviewees reveals that they engaged a variety of livelihood, most of which had been performed by their lineal consanguinity (last generation), even their descendents have an opportunity to get a hands on experience on operating machine and acquiring new knowledge and skill. From that vantage point, making good use of the local resources is essential to locals. Whenever the demand emerges, composite livelihood like this might just come in handy. Interviewees have been living in Jianshanhu for more than 70 years. Among the various livelihood, planting is the most frequently seen livelihood in this area. Even in the year 2014 and 2015, some of interviewees have stopped doing rice farming but keep on planting and selling other crops in exchange of daily supplies. Such similar situation can also be seen from the last generation. Unlike the jobs their parents engaged in the past, now most descendants move to metropolis and make a living out of other livelihood which is nothing related to planting industry. Support group was founded by interviewees' generation and their last generation for the purpose of planting, collecting and hunting business. Operation pattern differs from every livelihood, for example, labor force is usually considered a medium of exchange. This phenomenon was no longer extant in their next generation. During interviewees' generation right before the introduction of machinery, only the few are likely have a experience with agricultural machinery employing power into to farming. In the wake of agricultural machinery arrival, interviewees' generation still follow the wisdom passed down from ancestors. Unfortunately, to the next generation, some techniques have lost in the stream of time.


Jianshanhu business livelihood terrace farmland (loa̍h-á-tshân)



