

現代生活中社會的高度分工,社會角色的框架將人物化為社會機器的小零件,人的精神與身體被迫支離。心靈的失衡會透過身體顯現,人的身體與心理狀態並不是分離的,現代人生活緊湊,精神壓力超出負荷量,身體開始出現壓力症候群,甚至導致疾病。因此我想將身體上的病徵看成是心理失衡現象的反映。 本創作以「肉身菩提」為題,茲分為五個章節,探討作者從2009至2012年的作品與創作歷程,試圖以自我技術的修行實踐觀點來詮釋個人的創作形態。其中特別關注精神與身體之間的模糊重疊地帶,並以此為切入點探討身體與精神以及作者創作之間的關係。另外也以佛教造相的方法學為本,試圖將作者的創作與佛教的視覺文化文本作一對照與分析,並透過對該文本的轉化與反述,進而表達創作者的思想與個人生命體驗,使創作與生活經驗完整,以完成創作脈絡的組織架構。   第一章緒論針對本研究主題與目的作簡單的說明,並確立創作的動機與目的並確定研究範圍與研究動機;第二章則是從佛教造相的原理與發展史切入,分析佛教視覺文化之心理學,並與個人的創作理念相互比較對照;第三章從身體的角度,來探討人的感官的性質為何,並試圖從我的創作中找到肉體跟精神之間曖昧地帶的可能樣態;第四章則是說明創作的形式與技法,以及相關材料學的研究;第五章為作品說明,針對系列作品的表現形式,創作理念及過程作介紹;最後以結論章節作為此研究與創作的反省與總結。


身體 佛教造相 病徵 慾望 觸覺


Due to the highly division of work, human has been framed by social character, become a small part of state apparatus, people’s spirit and body are fragmented. The imbalance of mind will appear on body, which is not separated. Exhausted modern life leads to overloaded, causing stress disorder, even disease. As a result, I consider physical symptom as a reflection of mentally imbalance. This thesis is named as “The Flesh with Bodhi” and separated in five sections, : list my work and it’s process systematically from 2009 to2013, with the perspective of self-technique, attempting to explain my creation. Especially concerned about the ambiguous zoon between body and spirit, and their connection with my work. On the other hand, through the methodology of Buddhism modeling, I compare my work with Buddhism visual culture content, and transfer to another meaning, which express the idea and daily feeling of artist, and to complete the context of my art project. The first chapter is a short statement about the study theme and the purpose, and point out the motivation of this art project, and also the scope of this study. The second chapter starts from Buddhism modeling principle to it’s visual culture phycology history, which is compared to my work series of creation. The third section is, with a perspective of body, to discuss about the meaning of human sensation, and trying to find the ambiguous possibility between flesh and mind from my work. The forth chapter is an analysis of my form and technique, and it’s related material science. And the last part, is the explanation of separated work, including the motivation, idea, and it’s process. Finally, a summary chapter as a reflection of this project and study.


body Buddhism modeling symptoms desire sense of touch


Robert Beer,《藏傳佛教—象徵符號與器物圖解》(2007)/向紅茄譯。台北市,時報文化
龔卓軍,《身體部屬—梅洛龐帝與現象學之後》(2006) 。台北,心靈工坊
梅洛龐帝(Maurice Merleau-Ponty)著,《眼與心》(2007)/龔卓軍譯。台北市,典藏




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