  • 學位論文


The Knowledge Sharing of Arts Administration in Modern Theatre Troupes

指導教授 : 黃蘭貴


劇團藝術行政工作者須具備包羅萬象的專業知識及技能,但流動率高,且調查資料顯示僅少部分人受過藝術行政教育,大多是以做中學方式,在工作中學習所需的專業知識及技能。知識一旦隨著員工離職或遺忘,將造成組織知識斷層。目前國內現代戲劇團隊知識管理相關學術研究,鮮少深入檢視知識分享議題,尤其缺乏探討行政工作者的知識分享行為。   本研究以Nonaka的知識螺旋理論為基礎,探討劇團藝術行政知識分享。本研究採取質性研究方法,以立意抽樣,選取九位劇團藝術行政工作者為訪談對象,進行半結構式深度訪談,以獲取研究資料並進行分析。根據訪談內容編碼、分類及歸納後之資料,首先檢視劇團藝術行政的外顯知識及內隱知識。其次,依據知識螺旋理論,分別以知識的共同化、外化、結合及內化四種模式,探討劇團藝術行政知識分享行為。最後,分析影響知識分享行為的因素,包含個人特質、組織行為,及資訊科技因素。   根據資料分析內容,獲得五點結論:一、劇團藝術行政認知層面內隱知識較不易分享。二、劇團行政人員異動時,為藝術行政知識分享高峰期。三、資深藝術行政工作者為重要的知識提供者。四、不同的藝術行政知識分享行為各有其影響因素。五、新進藝術行政工作者的知識獲取過程未必依知識螺旋形式順序進行。


Theater Arts Administrators must have exhaustive knowledge and skills, but the turnover ratio is high, and the survey data shows that only a small number of people were trained by arts administration education, mostly they acquire needed professional knowledge and skills through working experiences. Once professional knowledge is lost when staff resigns or forgotten, it will cause organizational knowledge gap. At present, performance art organization's knowledge management-related academic research has very few in-depth view of knowledge sharing topics, especially the lack of exploring the administrative workers knowledge sharing behavior.   This study is based on Nonaka's research to explore theater arts administration's knowledge sharing through the basics of knowledge spiral theory. It utilizes qualitative research methods, through purposive sampling of nine theater arts administrators to conduct semi-structured interviews to obtain research data and analysis. According to interviews compiled, data were coded and classified into socialization, externalization, combination and internalization four categories. Lastly, this study analyze the factors that influence knowledge sharing behavior, including personal factors, organizational factors, and information technology factor.   According to data analysis, we achieved five conclusions: First, the theater arts administration cognitive dimension of tacit knowledge is difficult to share. Second, during the transitions of theater executives of arts administration, the knowledge sharing is at its peak. Third, the most experienced art administrator is the most important knowledge provider. Fourth, different arts administration knowledge sharing behaviors, each has its influencing factors. Fifth, the newly introduced administrative workers may not be in accordance with the form of knowledge spiral.


